you can read the file from the confort of SU's Ruby Console using
`defaults read -app /Applications/Google\\ SketchUp\\ 8/Sketchup.app 2>&1 | grep "ShowInferenceTips" 2>&1`
that will return "SketchUp.Preferences.ShowInferenceTips" = YES; or No
you can change it from here as well with
`defaults write -app /Applications/Google\\ SketchUp\\ 8/Sketchup.app "SketchUp.Preferences.ShowInferenceTips" YES 2>&1`
if you want to read or change any preferences, you can read all with the bit before grep, the 2>&1 just sends error messages, to check it's working...
after you can restart from 'Ruby Console' using
Thread.new{`sleep 5 && cd / && open Applications/Google\\ SketchUp\\ 8/Sketchup.app`};
you can change 'most' things from here without them being overwritten on close or open, and you can check on re opening and use Terminal.app if it fails to stick... [slightly different code, report back if you need it]