lack of exposed functionality in the Ruby API for SketchUp. V-Ray For SketchUp 2.0 SR3 supports panning in 2 point perspective views in SketchUp 2015 only. 2013 and 2014 versions of SketchUp do not have the necessary information available to our plugin to support panning in 2 point perspective.
RE: How's your Vray for SU 2015 Experience?!
RE: V-ray RT crashes and reports bug in sketchup 2014
V-Ray is now compatible with SketchUp 2015 64bit, which should alleviate your large file crashes. Go grab the latest service release from the Chaos Group website, even if you aren't using 2015 yet, there are stability fixes that have been added.
RE: Vray for Sketchup Pro 2015 OSX 64 bit
it's in the wrong spot, but it's fine. For SU 2015 on OSX, you want the build that says:
"Nov 14, 2014 2.00.25244 sketchup_2015_osx 32bit "
even though it's actually 64bit. There was confusion over the changes between the latest service release for SU 2013, 2014, and 2015 on OSX. They all only have one platform that they support, but the 2015 version is 64bit only, whereas the other builds are 32bit only. On the windows side, there is a 32bit and 64bit version for 2015.
We will move it soon, but in the meantime, there's nothing wrong with the build, other than where it's being listed on the website.
RE: Render works fine, untill override material function is used
If you ever encounter something that you believe is a bug, it's a good idea to include a copy of your error log(s) so we can see if something is breaking. There are 2 for our product (sorry), one is based on our Python code, the other is for Ruby stuff. To get the Python error log, you just need to go to Plugins->V-Ray->Debugging->Open Debug Window. This should open a dialog that displays the current python error log. For the ruby errors, it's best to open the ruby console (Window->Ruby Console) before the error occurs, to ensure that you catch all errors involved with the bug. So open a fresh instance of SketchUp, open the ruby console, then try to reproduce the bug. If you successfully reproduce the bug, check the ruby console to see if any errors popped up. Between the two logs, we should be able to better determine the cause of your issue. Without this information, we need to try to reproduce the issue ourselves, which can take time, and may not yield the same results as your machine.
RE: Possible to render everything in a model in gray scale?
when doing greyscale or clay renders, it's usually a good idea to turn on ambient occlusion under the GI options too btw. Adds a little detail to the model.
RE: How do I make my lamp post cast lightrays in the dark?
environment fog is something that we plan on adding in an upcoming release.
RE: Transparent object in Sketchup not transparent in Vray
It's possible to use a texture to control the transparency because you may want a decal or something that is transparent, or you may want camera angle to control the transparency
2pt perspective in SU 2015!
Hey guys, just thought I'd give you all a heads up. 2pt Perspective camera is now fully supported in V-Ray for SU 2015 with our latest service release:
Happy Rendering!
RE: Vray for Sketchup Pro 2015 OSX 64 bit
It is listed in the wrong area, we are moving it to the 64bit section. It is a 64bit version, as jiminy-billy-bob mentioned, SU 2015 is 64bit only on OSX only.
RE: V-Ray scripting in ruby?
we currently don't support animated parameters in any portion of V-Ray for SketchUp
RE: V-Ray scripting in ruby?
no, that file gets overridden when you kick off a render. There are some helper functions we use to manipulate the xml that we store in the attribute dictionaries of the scene, but none of it is very obvious or easy to use for your own purposes. We are also going to be modifying the way a lot of our stuff works over the next couple versions, so if you were to tap in to our xml and play with it, it might not have a very long lifespan.
RE: Materials sync between Vray2 and Sketchup14
it sounds like there may be an error happening. Please contact
RE: Why the ruddy Dongle?
I can vouch for the simplicity of the dongle as well. From a support standpoint, we have seen a significant reduction in the amount of licensing issues since switching to dongle based licensing. Users are now able to take their licenses with them from computer to computer, set up floating license servers with ease, and not worry about changes to their local machine's hardware, or operating system.
I develop the product on a macbook pro, and have worked around the usb port issue by simply using a low profile usb hub. I have my mouse and my dongle plugged in to the hub, and I just plug/unplug the hub like I would my mouse, never disconnecting the dongle or the mouse from the hub, plus I still have 2 additional usb ports left on the hub in case I need it for anything.
The switch to dongle based licensing, was something that was done in order to get more in line with the other V-Ray products, after our company, ASGVIS, was acquired by Chaos Group. They have been doing dongle based licensing with their products for quite some time. Without switching to dongles, RT rendering would not have been able to be added to V-Ray for SketchUp, nor would some other features that have been added, and will be added in the 3.0 release. I understand the frustration, but it was a necessary change. The old software based licensing, although initially simple to set up... was a horrible system that was riddled with issues.
RE: Sketchup Vray Proxy problems
You're saying that the pre 2.0 release of 2.00.23590 does not exhibit those issues?
Crashes during render time, are typically due to running out of memory. Keep an eye on your memory usage. If it gets close to 4gb of memory usage, you're going to crash.
I'm very confused how you are getting that proxy related issue, it happens EVERY time you create a proxy, save, and then load the scene? I don't believe I've heard of anyone having this issue, and the SR1 release has been out for a couple months. Many people have been using proxies with little to no issue, so I'm curious if we've missed a bug, or if there is a workflow issue we can help you with.
RE: HELP! "Unable to edit light - no light asset was provided"
this is with the service release? Please make sure you are working with 2.00.24261
RE: Sketchup Vray Proxy problems
This should already been resolved in the service release. Please update your plugin. The latest version is 2.00.24261
RE: Help- RTEngine does not progress past 0%
If you see it stall out like that, it's likely that the XMLDRSpawner is frozen or has crashed. This needs to be running in the background, in order for RT to work properly. You can check that by looking in the task manager on Windows, or the activity monitor on OSX. I would suggest killing that process and then running it again, just to make sure that it's not frozen.
RE: V-Ray 2.0 for SketchUp for mac...
... that looks like an email from Am I correct? That isn't the company that makes V-Ray for SketchUp, they're a reseller.