Yes, I would avoid using the scroll wheel in any of our UI, unless you are aware of this issue and are trying to change values on purpose. I would like to have that fixed, but there are some other bugs we are trying to resolve first.
RE: Model FOV vs Render FOV
RE: Model FOV vs Render FOV
I believe I've seen a bug report about this come through our support email. It was forwarded off to our bug tracker, but we never heard anything else about it. It might be the same person actually... let's see ::responds via bug tracker::
RE: it time to upgrade?
tomot - Our previous version of our plugin was written in C++ and used a binary format. This made our plugin much more difficult to maintain than it needed to be. Now we use Python and XML, which will allow our stuff to be more flexible and forward/backward compatible. I understand it's nice to be able to use the same files you would use in a new version, in an old version... but this isn't something that happens very often in the software world. We are trying to achieve that goal though. I would like to point out that it's free to upgrade to the latest version of our product though, and hopefully after this patch, this will be a very stable and flexible plugin.
Anyone that signed up for our beta - We had MANY beta applicants. We didn't really hand pick anyone. We waited too long to get our product out to testing, so we didn't really have time to hand pick anyone. We thought that if we allowed 700 or so eager users to use our plugin and test it out, we would be able to get feedback from a diverse group of people that would hopefully represent a majority of our users... That didn't quite work out. Instead of getting 700 users that were constantly testing and reporting back any bugs they found... we got maybe 10... 15? people to really give us any feedback. There was enough feedback to keep us busy though, and so we put our heads down and got to work. Since the developers were in charge of the WIP testing (corresponding with our users, and providing support/debugging), the developer blog (sorry if anyone was keeping up with that... I hope to update it at some point), and developing our plugin. We were too busy developing to mess around with finding more testers and sorting the bunch we already had. It was sad. We even added a couple people here and there after the WIP tester selection was made, and they would provide some feedback here and there, but quickly faded away as their interest faded (I'm guessing that's what happened... maybe they were eaten by sea monsters?). So that's why some people got left out. It's nothing personal, you just fell through the cracks unfortunately. Next time around, we'll try to be more particular about who we let in... or we'll just do a public beta... haven't figured that one out yet.
RE: A picture looking for an answer?
Looks like something doesn't have a material applied. The default back face color is a shade of purple that looks pretty much like that color.
RE: it time to upgrade?
Academic -
RE: Vray problem (not the new vray)
Another option is to use a blend texture. That's what we would set up automatically in our old version. This unfortunately caused some undesirable results in some situations though, so it wasn't added in this version. SketchUp's colorization method is rather unique, as far as I know. You have to edit texture images in an image editor for any other 3d app or render engine I've ever used. ::shrugs:: maybe I'm oldschool.
RE: New vray
@unknownuser said:
I hope that the reports you lost post here is something you also email ASGVis support. The only way it will be looked into by the developers.
Yeah, the top of this website doesn't say ASGvis, so I think we might be doing something wrong here. It's good to discuss your problems, but don't expect ASGvis to scour this forum to find your posts about bugs.
RE: Cant find settings
@unknownuser said:
thom can u bug them about the reflection layer? default reflection layer should be fresnel not completely reflective material.
Are you serious?... You're making thomthom do your dirtywork because you don't feel like contacting us yourself? Awww c'mon, Keith's not that scary, I promise. I swear it won't hurt.
RE: New VRAY for SU bugsplat
@unknownuser said:
What I see here is the SketchUcation Forum supporting a sub-forum dedicated to exposing Vray Bugs.
Why would anyone assume that this forum was some sort of bug reporting forum?... Sketchucation has NOTHING to do with ASGvis at all, other than the fact that some users on here use ASGvis's product. Please tell ASGvis about bugs, not Sketchucation. I mean it's fine to talk about bugs and experiences, so you can all grow and improve your ability to use the product, but if you say "this is broken" on here... you're talking to nobody...
Anyway, Martin's issues should be resolved with this upcoming patch, I've done some tests with the scene Martinph was having issues with. The good news is that now the scene will start to render. The bad news is that we run out of ram and crash ... Oh how I wish we wouldn't hit that 2gb wall so hard. Still awaiting a DR fix, so I haven't been able to test to see if that will help.
I recommend using IES data from GE or Sylvania or some other lightbulb manufacturer. If you find that one company doesn't suit your needs, try another. Why is there a difference if IES lights are supposed to be a standardized format? No idea, but that's what I've found in my tests. Check out the ASGvis forum for more about IES lights, there's been a bit of discussion on there about it. From all that we've seen and heard though, IES lights are working correctly. Power shouldn't be adjusted unless you are doing a minor change, such as dimming lights, or other slight adjustments. The Physical Camera will absolutely kill IES lights, just like it kills all of the other lights, so keep that in mind too when working with them.
RE: Vray for Sketchup - Materials
@raddern said:
Hi, can someone help me please, I am using SketchUp 7.1 with the latest version of V-ray on a Mac 10.6.2 and every time I tried to use the material editor, SketchUp just quits. Even with vismat or jpg image by creating v-ray material in the material editor it quits and also when using the bump and displacement the same thing happens. Any ideas please.
You said "every time I tried to use the material editor, SketchUp just quits". What do you mean by "use"? Are you opening the material editor? Are you rendering a material preview? Are you clicking on a material? Are you importing a material? Are you creating a material? Are you modifying a material? Are you editing a texture? Are you adding a texture? Are you removing a texture? Are you using a specific override map or setting? What are you doing? If the rest of your post was supposed to explain that, then I apologize for not being able to understand anything you're saying. We would like to help though, if we can. You said you tried to contact us about the issue, and you waited a week? How did you contact us? We don't use our forum as a point of contact. Email if you want us to answer you.
RE: Many problems
@unknownuser said:
I believe Vray should take a page from the Modo rendering engine. Allow the user to select a small window of his or her scene for a quick developed rendering of that particular area. This way you don't have to wait 2 hours for a fully developed scene of a caustic effect, which ultimately turns out to be total CRAP.
LOL! Good research.
RE: VRay for SketchUp- To use Normal Maps
Unfortunately, we were not trying to add more complexity to the rewrite of our plugin, so normal map support was not added.
RE: it time to upgrade?
Hey guys,
Sorry ASGvis hasn't been too vocal over here. I am trying my best to make my rounds and find any bugs we can so this patch will be as solid as we can make it. Poor thomthom has been acting as a temporary ASGvis rep it seems ::pats back:: thanks for that, I'm here to help now though. Also, in case you were wondering, I have been checking in on occasion to see what's going on, however I'm one of the developers, so I don't have a lot of time to chat with everyone, so I've been more of a troll than a participant. Our forum's traffic has started to die down a bit though, now that most of the bugs have been discussed on there and can be referenced by our users. That frees up a teeny bit of time to seek out our other users on other boards. Sketchucation of course, was my first choice.
I have seen many valid statements being made here, most of these issues are known, and are being worked on. Unfortunately our bug tracker isn't public, and we hope to work out a better bug tracking system in place before we do our next full release. We had a few curve balls hit us on the way to release, one of which was a lack of feedback from our testers . Next time we do a beta of some sort, I'm coming here first to announce signup.
We are currently waiting to hear back from The Chaos Group, about an issue with DR (DR is difficult to get working in the latest release, it's definitely not working properly.), once we get DR fixed, we plan on releasing a patch with that fix, as well as any other fixes that we can get done between now and then. We have managed to fix a number of material related issues, I haven't found an old scene with issues yet, since fixing the material issues. We're always looking for more scenes to test though. So let us know if you're completely stumped about why a scene won't render.
Also, just to clear up some confusion. We want to be 100% compatible with scenes that came from our old version. We don't want to have any broken vismats or visopts out there. Also, the latest version is based mostly in Python, which goes through a C++ bridge that ties Ruby and Python together so they can communicate back and forth. To be honest it's not all that tricky of a balancing act. The only tricky thing about any of it, is the fact that SketchUp's Ruby API is such a mess. I'm not even going to get started on that rant though.
Really the only reason this release had so many bugs, is because we were under the assumption that everything was fine. Our testers had reported a few minor issues here and there, but for the most part everything appeared fine... Then we released and found out what was actually going on... Ohhh my... So in the future, we plan on having a much tighter feedback loop with our testers than we did this time around. We understand the frustration and confusion that happened during this release, and we hope to rectify the situation asap. Keep an eye on our site and our forum over the course of this month, we should have an update soon. (And by soon, I mean this month, and not 6 months from now)
RE: Observers WhishList
We have always had a hard time ensuring our plugin's data is properly serialized in to the scene prior to a save. Now we serialize after every - single - change... and it slows things down a little. The proposed solution for onSaveModel would be wonderful... oh please magical Google genies... please fix these observer issues. Here's a post we put in the discussion groups a while back when we were pulling our hair out:
RE: SketchUp OSX always sensitive to keyboard input
Yup, thomthom beat me to it. The reason it was never fixed, is nobody could ever tell us how to reproduce the issue. It randomly happens on some users machines ::shrugs:: So as soon as we figure out what that problem is, we can look in to fixing it. Until then, screw universal access and the horse it rode in on
RE: How to get face uvs if texture is applied to component inst
Shhh, don't jinx it... Joe got sucked off to a meeting, but we have managed to render a sphere with no faceting so far! I don't know what kind of impact this will have on scene parsing... fingers are crossed.
RE: Sketchup ruby geometry parsing
We've had a hard time with scene parsing too. It seems that SU just doesn't know what it has in the scene very well. We've contacted Google and are still waiting for some sort of a response. I'm not all that familiar with the exact details behind our scene parsing process. Some of it is done in C++, the rest in Ruby. If you download the demo of V-Ray for SketchUp, there should be a file that it installs named "VRayForSketchUp.rb" that at least appears to have a good bit of scene parsing stuff in there. I hope it helps.
Below is our cry for help to Google ::weeps:: no love.