I didn´t know that the explosion option works. Great Tip!!!
Daniel S
I didn´t know that the explosion option works. Great Tip!!!
Daniel S
I have problems when making the movement.. the preview of the things you rotate dosen´t look well. After the animation plays well, but when making it makes stranges movements.
Hope you understand.
Also It would be great a preselection option. Now you have to select the objects one by one.
I was searching for animation and sketchup and found an old plugin:
Looks very powerfull but looks like the project is dead?
Daniel S
I download ffmpeg.. the gif looks strange, the mp4 export looks good... here the gif:
Daniel S
Hi All!!!!
I download animator plugin today.. first test:
Still don´t download ffmpeg
Daniel S
Hi Fredo!!!
This plugin can make the decomposition of 3D shapes into "pyramidal" parts?
Look at this:
Daniel S
@unknownuser said:
@daniel s said:
PS: It´s possible to make contours more complex? something like the opposite of simplify contour
you can do things like that with fredo's BezierSpline
select the lines then right click -> BZ convert to…
and pick one of the different splines depending on desired curve (catmull, Bspline, Fspline, etc)
Yesss!! I didn´t remember that option
Thank you!!!,
Daniel S
This plugin could have saved me a lot of time 2 days ago but I´m sure that will save me lot of time and effort in the future.
Thank you!!!
Daniel S
PS: It´s possible to make contours more complex? something like the opposite of simplify contour
Great Update Fredo!!!
I remember a lot this request...
I just tried your plugin and I had perfect results in seconds!!
Thank you for making a much more powerful Sketchup Fredo!!!
Daniel S
You are right It will be limited to 'RZ'.
I started using and don´t read the instructions... the radially is only from the Origin [0,0,0].
To make this for example I had to rotate the object to get the desired result.
Thank you,
Daniel S
Hi TIG!!!
Thank you!!! ... I will try this plugin and see what can I make.
A question: Is there a way to choose a dual axis for radial-slicing [RX/RY/RZ]?
Daniel S
@thomthom said:
No magic I'm afraid. Just think of the geometric constraints - making one non-planar quad planar requires that you move its vertices and that means that it will affect all the geometry connected to the vertices.
Yes, of course will affect the geometry connected to that face. I was asking if there was a method where can I make all quads coplanar automatically and connected. With every quad with a different normal. This normal will be an average normal of the two triangles that makes the original non-planar quad.
Perhaps already exists a solution for converting all non-planar to coplanar quads creating more coplanar quads for connecting the geometry. Of course changing the original shape of the model as little as possible. Only a doubt that I always had.
Daniel S
Thank you for your answer Thomas.
I thought that maybe exists a magic method but is not the case.
Thank you again,
Daniel S
@thomthom said:
I added a function that projects the selected faces ( any face ) to a best fit plane. ( Best fit plane is based on the selection ). It also ensures that quads connected to the selection are triangulated so they don't break due to SketchUp's AutoFold feature.
Then I added a separate Remove Triangulation function.Both will be present in the next release. (Among other updates/changes)
What happens if the selection is all the model? Will work? I attach a quick example because is difficult for my to explain it in english.
If I select all the model, the plugin will convert the faces into coplanar quads and delete the triangulations? In the attached model if you turn on the hidden geometry view you will see the triangulation. If you try to delete the lines you will delete the faces too because is not coplanar. If you make a coplanar face it will disort the connected faces. Is there a solution for this?
Daniel S
Thank you Thomas!!!
A question: Is there a way to force the vertices of the quad to be coplanar?
If a quad consist of two triangles rotate this two triangles until they lay on the same plane and then delete the shared edge. Is that possible?
Daniel S
@unknownuser said:
new release that should fix the issue.
Thank you Fredo!!! The update fix it.
I am very good for breaking things.. and you are very good for fixing them. That´s a great team
TIG, Thank you too. You are always there when someone has a problem
Now, time to update some plugins
Thank you again,
Daniel S
@unknownuser said:
This is where is the problem: 99999 is too big for a number of days.
Can you change it in the default parameters or in the Upgrade dialog box
I'll put a check in a next release
I can´t change the 99999 because:
I tried reinstalling LibFredo6 but still no work.
Daniel S
When I put:
it says:
Daniel S
@unknownuser said:
- How many days did you set the "next check" in the dialog box
I put 999 the first time because I wanted to do a manual check. But then the update option stop working.
I try deleting and reinstalling Libfredo6 but the problem was still there.
Now In default parameters "Next Check in (days)" says 15. But I´m not able to check.
@unknownuser said:
- Can you type the following command in the Ruby Console:
I tried and give different results. It says:
Error; #<NameError; (eval);157; uninitialized constant Upgrade>
Error; #<NameError; (eval);677; uninitialized constant Upgrade>
Error; #<NameError; (eval);54; uninitialized constant Upgrade>
(eval);1; warning; Float 0.0 out of range
Daniel S
I have problems with the update option too... Every time that I want to go to "Check Plugins for Update" nothing happens. If I have the ruby console open it says:
Error; #<RangeError; 9947298230.424000 out of Time range>
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;677;in `at'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;677;in `tip_next_date'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;642;in `format_html_top'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;225;in `refresh_dialog_top'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;520;in `create_dialog_top'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;151;in `initialize'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;79;in `new'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Upgrade.rb;79;in `top_dialog'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Plugin.rb;195;in `populate_support_menu'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Traductor.rb;908;in `call'
C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_37/Lib6Traductor.rb;908;in `add_command'
Any idea what´s happening?
Daniel S