I didn´t know that the explosion option works. Great Tip!!!
Daniel S
I didn´t know that the explosion option works. Great Tip!!!
Daniel S
I have problems when making the movement.. the preview of the things you rotate dosen´t look well. After the animation plays well, but when making it makes stranges movements.
Hope you understand.
Also It would be great a preselection option. Now you have to select the objects one by one.
I was searching for animation and sketchup and found an old plugin:
Looks very powerfull but looks like the project is dead?
Daniel S
I download ffmpeg.. the gif looks strange, the mp4 export looks good... here the gif:
Daniel S
Hi All!!!!
I download animator plugin today.. first test:
Still don´t download ffmpeg
Daniel S
Hi Fredo!!!
This plugin can make the decomposition of 3D shapes into "pyramidal" parts?
Look at this:
Daniel S
@unknownuser said:
@daniel s said:
PS: It´s possible to make contours more complex? something like the opposite of simplify contour
you can do things like that with fredo's BezierSpline
select the lines then right click -> BZ convert to…
and pick one of the different splines depending on desired curve (catmull, Bspline, Fspline, etc)
Yesss!! I didn´t remember that option
Thank you!!!,
Daniel S
This plugin could have saved me a lot of time 2 days ago but I´m sure that will save me lot of time and effort in the future.
Thank you!!!
Daniel S
PS: It´s possible to make contours more complex? something like the opposite of simplify contour
Great Update Fredo!!!
I remember a lot this request...
I just tried your plugin and I had perfect results in seconds!!
Thank you for making a much more powerful Sketchup Fredo!!!
Daniel S
You are right It will be limited to 'RZ'.
I started using and don´t read the instructions... the radially is only from the Origin [0,0,0].
To make this for example I had to rotate the object to get the desired result.
Thank you,
Daniel S