I don't want to take away from his talent, it is perfect, but this is not extraordinary. There are many people that can do similar pictures at early ages. This is just a statistics matter. I draw a portrait of my grandmother when I was just 3 years old, it was my first drawing and my father still have it and she is completely recognizable, even gestures. I think I have one portrait here from my 8 years old, let me see... yes, here it is:
RE: I guess it's time to go back to painting class
RE: Disappearing objects issue
@mac1 said:
Can you clarify scaling up? it looked to me like scaling down was the problem because the posted model has a group box dimension of 75cm while the re-scale value is the very large number??
Yes, it was originally set to 60 or 70 cm but when I tried to make the intersections they failed so I scaled up gradually the model until it worked. Next is when I scaled down the model to the original size again but I didn't use the tape method, just the scale tool, and probably it caused the problem. In the document you say I could get the complete model to 75 cm but in other versions I couldn't or not entirely.
It was easier to make the rest of the room of my little son
RE: Disappearing objects issue
Ok, it was my first impression but I didn't know how to make the workaround. I was scaling up until the intersection worked.
Anyway if SU can't handle it should advert you before doing xtreme transformations, it may be dangerous... Clint could get very hungry.
Thank you mate!
RE: Disappearing objects issue
Don't worry if you can't do anything. A friend of mine offered me to solve the problem definetively.
RE: Disappearing objects issue
So you get problems without exploding it too?
I did what you say and it works, but I need to mantain the nose grouped and this one is already in one group and scaled close to the final size. But if you take a look at "winnie3" you will see that the body is not there, I just intersected one leg, grouped all and suddenly was erased when I tried to scale the entire model.
I'm trying to reproduce all the steps I did before it happens but don't see nothing special.
RE: [Plugin] triangulateFaces.rb v1.2 20101120
Could you please clarify for a 3D newie the purpose of triangulation in this case?
Does it means the model will be correct or will work better or is merely a way of get more detail? -
RE: Disappearing objects issue
Thank you Chris.
This is why I clarified that I have some experience now... hahaha
I was making some probes and getting the xtrange behavior. Show hidden geometry, unhidding... it was the same. I didn't delete anything, a simple pan or zoom with the mouse and some groups disappeared.
RE: Disappearing objects issue
Here it is.
Was trying to make a base model of winnie pooh planing to try the sculpt tools plugin to pulish it on a final stage.
There are several versions, some simplified (I started again the model to discard file corruption).
One of them is empty and you will see another with some parts disappeared.You can reproduce the problem using the scale tool for instance and panning the model.
This is the first time I get this trouble. In the beginning was suspecting on the scale I used to intersect the different groups and then resizing the model again, but when I did the second one the problem persists.
RE: Playing again.
Great! Did you make it in SU?
I need a winnie the pooh for one of my boy's room. This is the model that is disappearing to me (read my post). I'm recreating all my home.
RE: Disappearing objects issue
I have again an empty document and the backup I made. I did a try using your method prismcnd but not luck. Even the document size has changed from the original so there is no model to restore.
This is a terrible bug, it can happen at any moment.
RE: Suffering from burnout?
I had a brain stroke because of hard working, to much time without sleep.
I loose my job and my wife.
I'm invalid now.
I have three small children.
My SU hangs up sometimes -
RE: Disappearing objects issue
Thank you Jim.
I think it has to be something related to measures in model as you point. I was probably scaling so far my model to make an interception of two groups that I was getting bad results from.
Anyway I must say that when it happens to me, the objects disappeared don't return back when the document is reopened and manipulated again; contrary to google team this cause permanent damage to my model so I must be careful when resize it the first time.
Disappearing objects issue
I'm not an expert (just 3 months) but I already made all my apartment with furnitures in SU so I have some experience now and I'm getting a problem now with a low size model where some parts are disappearing in random order when the point of view is rotated. I de-installed the latest plugins but the problem persists. I tried different visual depths and modes in SU also.
I made a copy of the model on a new document too. The program works fine with other documents.
Any idea?
RE: Tutorial Ready for Newbie Tests
@gaieus said:
I'm not sure about the commercial tutorials though. The "market" for the free stuff in SU is so huge that it seems that pay stuff is not easily marketable.
You killed him
RE: What is your "artist's Statement"
@mike lucey said:
[i]Vincent to Theo.
"Many painters are afraid in front of the blank canvasThis is exactly the line that separates the artist from the genius. When I see the blank canvas and start to remember what some genius did apparently easily... I think I'm nobody, hahahaha
RE: Take a look and answer one question
Sorry, it's not my intention to bother. It must be the mediterranean temperament you know...
I don't believe any computer could ever get irrational sentiments as be have. I'm more realistic, I think our generation can make many gradual changes to this system. I'm thinking in the enormous potential of the human intelligence when is well applied.
I can't believe our life must be conditioned to pay our home mortgage, etc.
Will visit your links, thanks.
RE: Take a look and answer one question
@unknownuser said:
@coronel said:
You are in Netherlands, actually you are having problems with sea level rising.
That's why we built dikes.
Again, this is all just conspiracy theories I say.
Oh and.. you might want to check out some other posts of me in this particular part of the forum.
It's very frustrating to me to realize the low level of information many people have about the real world.
You may think I'm a 60's hippie or something like that. Why don't you look around the official information agencies and international organizations statistics to compare the real state of the world now and 50 years ago?http://www.greendaily.com/2008/09/04/the-netherlands-readies-for-rising-sea-levels/
http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/benelux/090703/the-dutch-plan-rising-seas"Again, this is all just conspiracy theories I say?"
Many people in your own country said exactly the same before Hitler invasion of Netherlands.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Netherlands (Read Background)You can find here another conspiracy theory, this time from "the liberian people conspirating against Firestone".
If you want to save Firestone visit this page:
http://www.stopfirestone.orgAnd there are a lot more companies in trouble now who needs our help.
I see a man in this documentary of 92 years who probably is close to finish his life and is trying with more or less reason to send us a message that I want to interpret of optimism in future, in human race, in our possibilities of surviving working in group.
Don't you feel there is something wrong when you read about millions who die because our excesses?
Do you have children? Try to imagine you work for Philips in Nairobi with your family and your daughter becomes sick for insane water and dies as 14.000 of african children dies every single day. -
RE: Take a look and answer one question
@unknownuser said:
Ah, this is one of those conspiracy theory movies again...
It was the same thought I had at the beginning. Ok, forgive all about conspiracy, center your mind in the system itself, can it survive? will all the people, not only the first world, get a better life?
Do you really think we will have the same conditions we have now? Do you think you can start a war for resources against the rest of the world and win it? You seam to be a good boy, will you shoot me? Yes, you will, but you don't want to do it. You still think that the global warming or pandemics will be after you die...You are in Netherlands, actually you are having problems with sea level rising.
RE: Take a look and answer one question
@dale said:
Your a good man Colonel. (Fair trade coffee I hope)
hahahaha. I drink coffee from a friend family here in the same city. They import the same coffee from the same South America people for several generations now and they didn't have any problem with this people.