I agree with you in many things but I want to mantain an eclectic discussion here. It's very difficult to argue with intelligence when you use another language. They speak about China when they say that there is not difference between capitalism and communism talking about money, the difference is the degree of intervention of the state in the economy.
Hugo Chavez (who I can ensure you is not welcomed here in Spain for nobody) have several assassination attempts per year, not as much as Castro for example but enough.
Are you american? Ah, canadian
A common issue we would find is this. I'm remembering one post here in funny pics section, with a world map representing the view of America about the rest of the world. Is not easy to explain to you (american people) the vision we have of you.
Let's put an example. You are now the first economy in the world even when you became to get some troubles. We (Spain) were the greatest empire in the human history with a strong economy and militar power too. Do you think is it possible without exterior interventionism? I would say no. I'm talking about discovering, conquer, expansion and winning some wars. When we talk about transnational companies we talk about the same. They say that it doesn't really matter if this companies are american, european, etc. We all are "suffering" itΒ΄s methods. You can't afford for a house and an american car in a good suburb like your parents did. The same here, with my father salary we were 6 sons, my mother and my grandmother living much better than today with a better qualified job to me. The same with most of the people around me.
I know you are about 300 million and you have all kind of people there but you have some fame of ignorants in general culture and humanistics, with an extremely introspective way of conceiving the world (this is the vision only). Some of my worst colleagues of school, some years ago, went to Miami to take their studies degree because it was much more easy there (and now). Of course you have fame to be very prominent in other questions, like technicians for instance. We were not surprised when the Kennedy Foundation puts the attention of near by 50 million of americans who didn't read or write during the Atlanta Olympic Games.
When we watch the news that came from you is easy to distinguish the schizophrenic psychopathology your country has about the rest. I'm sure that many people there ever could'nt imagine that someone hate you through the point of destroy 2 symbols of the economic imperialism like the 2 towers. I don't know if it was a conspiracy or not, you are right, it's very difficult to probe. It was the same here with the supposed Al Qaeda Spain Train Bombing in Madrid although you can find many links with the spanish police, the socialist party, etc., that finally forced the government change in the next elections and actually is silenced by the socialists.
It happened before in the American-Spanish war, after the Monroe doctrine, when the USS Main is sunked in La Havana for the own americans to start the war with Spain. Something similar with the Lusitania which finally was probed to transport ammunition and was employed to entry in the First World War. Again with Pearl Harbor in the World War II, all we know the japanesse plans were known by Roosevelt. And so on...
Yes, americans are not saints.
Anyway our cultures are influenced by yours. I love all your old Hollywood productions (hate most of the new ones). Our children loves Disney and we love penthouse centerfolds, apple, google, NASA, etc.
Now I'm 43 years old so I don't believe in utopia and the dream of capitalism for me is an utopia like many others. I'm not communist, I'm not "-ist" but I want to believe in people like John Lennon. Is it possible to be human in this society? Is it possible a better world? Are you sure this model can continue? Think in your sons or future sons.
Yes, when I finished to watch the film I said to my girlfriend: Well, don't believe all they said but don't discard all. Don't think technicians alone will do it or people will be liberated of work. But many things they said are completely true. What will you do? That's the question.