I'm certainly not the one to be picking apart anyones renderings. I bought Twilight and haven't even used it yet. But for 49.00 when I bought it, I can't go wrong. I'm trying to wrap my sore brain around V-Ray still. I'm getting there tho.
RE: Double Offset tool?
RE: Double Offset tool?
I know exactly what you are referring to and that is why it is so funny.
RE: Double Offset tool?
Not mockery Rocky.... I just think it's funny. And I'm not making fun of anyone either. I get a kick out of some of the conversations on hear. Usually makes my day. We all need to laugh more.
Jeff -
RE: Double Offset tool?
LOL....was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice
RE: Double Offset tool?
I don't have a specific use for it yet but it's one of those things that when you have it, you use it and wonder how you ever got along without it. There are many rubies like that. Some rubies work well with others too, this could be another. Options are good.
RE: Double Offset tool?
Well Rocky, it's not bad on small models and the odd line. Depending tho on what you are trying to model, it could be very useful. Some Rubies are written and perform functions that would be impossible with out. Some are are strictly time savers. Time is money...
RE: Double Offset tool?
Here ya go Gruff. sorry, I should have posted this at the start. I get lazy sometimes.
RE: Copy Array Along Path tool...have a look.
Hi Chris,
Ya...I used it in the sample above but I would for sure be very time consuming. I was wondering, each face is created as a group, could it be possible to have it place a component on a node instead of a circle, square or custom face. Kind of a combo between copy path and perp faces.... what do you think?
RE: Copy Array Along Path tool...have a look.
Thanks Miguel,
Seems to work fine when the path is 2D by not when 3D. So far I have made a work around using the Radial Bending ruby....just more time consuming.
RE: Copy Array Along Path tool...have a look.
Do you know of a user guide or PDF on the proper settings...if there is a settings guideline.? I would use it more if I knew how to set it up properly.
Jeff -
RE: Double Offset tool?
Thanks TIG,
I downloaded that recently but not quite what I want. Thanks though.
Jeff -
Double Offset tool?
Is there a double offset tool or is there a keyboard combo to using the existing offset tool that gives you a double offset? If not it might be a good ruby...
Jeff -
RE: Nomeradona's Interior (update Mar'12)
Awesome images and Photoshop work! In image three in your first post, is that bump or displacement used on the red textured backing on the art pc? I have been finally putting some time into V-Ray lately and am actually getting it. Great stuff Nomer!
Jeff -
Copy Array Along Path tool...have a look.
Hi there,
I know I've been posting a lot of questions lately, so seeing as I'm on a roll, here is another. Have a look at the attached and see if you can help. Also, once I can get the proper outcome and know how, I'd like to experiment with changing or replacing the component with another. I think this will come in very useful for creating rope, chain, spine type shapes, etc....A good example would be "Doc Oc" arms in Spiderman. Hope you all know what I mean.
RE: What is the name of this font?
Have you searched "Architectural Fonts"? Lots of results...I wish I knew off hand for you, save time.
RE: Making a kitchen cabinet a dynamic component....questions.
Thanks again Howard,
I found the first link but the second is one I didn't find on the site. It will be quite useful once I become a DC Guru . Thanks very much!
Best method of creating and saving a rendering environment?
I'd like to create a rendering scene/environment and be able to re-use it. Have lights and reflection surfaces set in place and then I can re-use the set up and turn lights on and off as needed for the render. Should I ?:
- create the scene putting everything in place like lights and such and then save it as a template?
- create the scene and save it as a component and drag it on to a scene when needed? (will lighting properties remain if done like this?)
- OR...someone can suggest a better way?
Thanks All,
RE: Making a kitchen cabinet a dynamic component....questions.
Morning Howard,
Thanks very much for your reply and many suggestions. Yes there are quite a few people on here that have so much talent that I guess I get lazy sometimes and prefer to just ask and maybe save time and get a quick answer before I invest a lot of time looking myself. Now that I know that my questions on DC's are possible, I'll check out you ideas. I also know that people get busy and have lives and can not reply right away or the person that has the magic answer may not be online for a bit. So I apologize for the lack of patience I may have at times. I've been using Sketchup for about 5 yrs or so but I must say that I have learned so much more on this forum in the last year because of everyones help. For this, I thank everyone!