I'm not a gamer, but when I was building my work machine a couple years ago, I had settled on mid-high level gamers Video Card as it was highly recommended. Just before purchasing, I asked a similar question to yours on a hardware forum. Someone responded that I should look into workstation graphics as "the performance was similar, but they were substantially cheaper" at the performance level and capabilities I wanted. He then posted a comparison of an inexpensive AMD FirePro, and the card I was set to buy. The performance of both were almost the same, but the Gamer card was $300 more! (He actually used a similar FirePro for his gaming.) At any rate, I Bought the AMD FirePro from Newegg (Open box) for $117. I run 2 30" monitors on my system and the old FirePro was fine. It might be worth a look. I've since upgrade to a newer FirePro.
RE: Who has upgraded his pc or has bought a new one recently?
RE: PB2 Assembly builder for dashed lines?
@jql said:
LOL! That's really clever!
Have you tried creating a component with the lines inside? Maybe two lines 1 visible and the other hidden...
I made a component of a 3" line. I get the line at the start and at the end. I'm think it's something I'm doing wrong.
PB2 Assembly builder for dashed lines?
I bought Profile Builder and use it a lot, though not as much the assembly builder. It occurred to me that PB2's assembly feature could be used to create dashed lines. It seem PB2 could be used to lay down spaced components made up of short lines spaced as desired. However, all my attempts to build such an assembly have failed. I'm not sure if this is not possible or I'm doing something wrong. Anyone versed in the plugin know if this will work?
Center point plugin?
I have the TIG Center Point All plugin. This is very useful, but requires selection of an already created object. A while back I had a plugin that added a center point to objects as they were drawn/created. It was very beneficial in how I construct my work. I can't remember what it was called. Anyone know if it is still available?
RE: Odd behavior when using SU to files on desktop
@dave r said:
Your second screen shot doesn't show any files. It shows folders in which SKP files could reside. Are there any files or folders on the desktop or is it only shortcuts to applications?
My desktop has files, folders, short cuts, etc. Lots of things that should, and used to be displayed. Again, this only happens in SU. I just tried opening and went went through several different paths. All locations displayed their contents until arriving at the desktop, where the window is always blank.
Odd behavior when using SU to files on desktop
I just recently noticed this. If I start SU2015, and chose Open File, The program defaults to looking in the My Documents folder. (see Pic)
In My Documents, the "Open" window displays icons for all the files and folders there. If I then go up one level to my User folder (Nicholas), it again displays all files, folder, etc.(see Pic)
However, I go up one more level to my Desktop, the "Open" window is blank and nothing is displayed. (see Pic)
However, If I know the file name and type it in, SU will find and open it.
This just started recently. I checked, and it does not happen with my other software AutoCad, Corel etc. Ideas anyone? I do believe there was a recent SU2015 up date, and of course Win7 updates. Dot sure when this actually began.
RE: Subtract one solid from multiple solids? Plugin?
@cotty said:
Have you tried Fredos VisuHole?
Looks like it would do what I need but I can't get it to work. I replicated the objects in animation but without the same results. I get no change. Must be something I'm missing. I'll take a look at the manual and see if I can figure it out.
Subtract one solid from multiple solids? Plugin?
I'm working on a model with a lot of unique elements that need to be timed. I'm using the Boolean subtract tool. However, it would be great if I could subtract one solid from several solids at a time. Any such method available? A Plugin?
RE: How to Set a printer and properties?
@tig said:
Can't you change the printer's own properties ?
Not sure what you mean? What I'd like is that every time I start SU that the default printer defaults to 11x17 in landscape mode. It seems to me that setting the printer and these attributes in the template would do this. But not so. Every time I restart SU it reverts to 8.5x11 in portrait mode.
How to Set a printer and properties?
Is it possible to set a particular printer and properties in SU 2015? Everytime I print I have to select the printer and xhange the defaults to 11x17 landscape. I tried saving the changes to a template but it reverts back to portrait 8.5x11. Answers, suggestions?
Good book on stairs? Anyone.
In my recent project there was a staircase with a curved section. Working on this, I realized how much I don't know about stair layout. Is there a definitive book someone could recommend--would be great if available on Kindle--on stair construction? Not decks and simple stairs, but grand staircases that utilize all the parts you find in those old diagrams of stair elements.
There is lots of info on the web but none addressed even my first question. Is there a standard distance of balusters from the face of the rise and side stringer/carriage/whatever it's called in your region? Then there were others. The design I was working on called for stair brackets. Fine for the straight run, but on the curved part the brackets would be smaller on the inside arc and larger on the out side. I'm looking for a book that offers solutions and general standards.
RE: Stair questions. Balluster spacing etc?
What I'm also discovering is that the balusters on the wide side of the stair have to be greatly adjusted in height, and they look odd to me. Assuming a hand rail at 3', where on the wide side of the step would the 3' be measured?
If any one knows of a website that might show/answer my questions please feel free to suggest. I've found many sites and manufacturers but none with the exact information I need. We are probably going to have a stair manufacturer make the stair, but I would like to get it right for the presentation model.
RE: Stair questions. Balluster spacing etc?
Thanks for the responses. This is for a set of a period TV show (1850's) so real and current building codes do not apply. However, I just wanted them to be close to actual stair formulas.
Stair questions. Balluster spacing etc?
I'm having great difficulty with these stairs and I realize how ignorant I am on stair conventions as I've never had to build one like this. If anyone in the know could take a look at this and tell me what I might have wrong. I've attached a pdf and dwg.(Saved back to AC 2004 DWG)
First off the stair has to fit in the space defined by the dashed line and sits against a wall. Due to the curve, I have 3 different spaces between the balusters. On the straight run, is is 5-1/2", on the front of the curve is is 4-7/8", and on the rear of the curve it uses 3 balusters per step with a 5-1/4" spacing. Is this how a professional would lay it out? I've looked on line and found lots of info on baluster spacing, but none on a stair like this. Uniform spacing does not work.Also, What is the usual set back of the baluster from the front of the rise and the face of the stair carriage?
RE: Set section plane at a specific point on an object.
@cotty said:
You can use the normal inferencing system to position a section cut (middle point, guide lines, ...) and you can fix a direction with the shift button ...
Do you have an example image or model where it doesn't snap?
Thanks. "Shift button"is the answer. I'd never tried using it while it moving the sec plane.
Set section plane at a specific point on an object.
Previously in my work I just drag my section planes to a point that looks good for what I'm doing. However, now I have to section some models at definite points. e.g the center-line. How can I ensure the section is where it is supposed to be? The section plane does not inference nor snap to guidelines.
RE: Get layers in layer window to display alphabetically?
@sdmitch said:
@calypsoart said:
I'm working on a large model and need to use a lot of layers. For some reason they do not display alphabetically. Any way to do this. My Autocad automatically rearranges the layers.
In Windows>Layers, the names should be sorted. If not, click on Name at the top of the names column. This will toggle between a-z and z-a sorting.
Duh! I feel like an idiot. That's how files get ordered and so many things. I think I've been looking at this screen for too long. A walk is in order.
Get layers in layer window to display alphabetically?
I'm working on a large model and need to use a lot of layers. For some reason they do not display alphabetically. Any way to do this. My Autocad automatically rearranges the layers.