Bump. Anyone?
Processing or other aspects of Groups vs components?
I understand the differences and uses of groups vs components. But is there any pros or cons as relates to processing the model? Will a model with X number of groups process the same if they are instead components.
I work with some one who sends me models all the time with every item turned into a component. My personal method use "group" if it's one item and component for more that one.
Start with out profiles! How? Template dosen't work.
I really dislike the thick dark lines when profiles are on. I was hoping I could set SU to start the blank sheet with profiles switched off. However, It seems I can't get it to work. I opened the template file, switched off profiles, then saved the file. But on the next start up profiles is again checked. Any suggestions?
RE: Anti-SketchUp! Snobbery [or Ignorance?]
I'm Coming late to this discussion, but I do feel there is a bit of snobbery in relation to SU. Just like everything else, many people look at price as defining quality. Of course this is very wrong, but it is a fact of life. If you payed $5000 for your design software, you must be better and more skilled than someone who payed $500.
In my world I run into those, and another type of snob. These are the people who think that if you work on a computer you are a lesser designer. They consider you a "technician/craftsman" which they think of as the category of mediocrity. This means of course that you are incapable of creating something truly artistic.
I've heard this several times. Most recently I was told by a production that they wanted someone who could also hand draft shop plans with a pencil and paper. I said I could do it but why? "Computer drafting just doesn't have that artistic feel" they said. (In my work, plans used by the shop, invariably end up on the floor, and finally in the garbage.) My response was that this was not illustration or rendering, it was just information for the builders. In fact, as these plans are for movie/TV sets, the whole thing is fake anyway. Only the look of the finished product is important, not the look of the construction info. Ah, ignorance.