I hear so many people talking about it and I really want to get into designing cars in sketchup I love what people have done already. ALSO my gundam work doesn't feel like it as smooth as it could be or should be.
RE: Subdivide and smooth
Subdivide and smooth
I heard its a good plugin anyone know how I would get it? I want to make my meshes more smoother as they are blocky looking.
RE: Need constructive criticism
all rite im gunna find tutorials on how to uv map in sketchup because doing textures any other way is confusing. This is what I quickly whipped up PS~ these textures are from someone else as you can see doing it the way google sketchup wants it to be done isn't working for me BTW I didnt notice how clean my model is until I looked at that xray.
RE: Need constructive criticism
not bad I think I might go for a texture though I have an idea of what I want to do, Im thinking maybe the whole model will be clean but will have some battle scars and signs of use also chipping of paint and discoloration. Thanks BTW I haven't ever applied a texture to a sketchup model before is there a way about doing this without exporting it to another program? I do have deep paint 3d but that means I would have to convert my file type and that means some model quality will be lost.
RE: Need constructive criticism
what format SKP. OBJ. or FBX.
I don't wanna upload an unfinished model to the sketchup warehouse, those are my finished models.
RE: Need constructive criticism
@unknownuser said:
have you tried a different backround?
I was thinking about an outer space with the sun in the background and maybe a planet. -
Need constructive criticism
Im not done with the model but thats not what I am asking for this model render doesn't seem like it could be as good as it can be, if you have experience with rendering then please quote this render this is my favorite Mobile suit and I want to make sure I have the perfect colors when I upload to deviant art.
Something feels wrong in the purple and black I dunno what it is.
RE: Whats the most Cost Effective Animation Renderer????
I heard that hypermove is pretty good also I heard rumors that its extremely easy though I never tried it though im tempted heres some examples http://www.bunkspeed.com/hypermove/examples/index.html
hopefully this helps sadly I dont know how much it costs.Actually a little searching around I don't think its on the market yet.
RE: Newely rendered pics
OK I wont be posting many more renders here for a while though I thought id share this,
you can see it bigger on my deviant art website at
http://troopermanaic.deviantart.com/ -
RE: Newely rendered pics
@dale said:
I'm thinking toy manufacturers will want to get there hands on this. Great stuff. I've heard some good things about Hypershot. What is it about it that you like?
you can literally replace colors by copy and paste and everything is in realtime, check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj3uCTiDmgc
RE: Newely rendered pics
Finally finished the GP01 render, I paid lots of attention to this one,
RE: Newely rendered pics
Thanks if you want to see them bigger check out my deviant art page I also have more pics and am currently rendering the RX-78 which will be done within the hour.
http://troopermanaic.deviantart.com/ -
Newely rendered pics
I finally did some renders on my models heres the results
The program I used was Hypershot and it happens to be the easiest method of rendering I have ever used.
RE: Blah11's Sketchup Gallery Updated "better rendering"
I just finished the zaku II it can be downloaded in my sketchup warehouse, why not check out the rest of my models whaile you are at it
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=42983826603e39c2f172129d0033deda&ct=mdsa&prevstart=0 -
RE: [Obsolete] FredoScale 1.0e (Free Scaling, Taper Scaling)
this will help me out ALOT with this I always wanted to model it, http://tokyobuy.com/images/kampfer.jpg
RE: Blah11's Sketchup Gallery Updated "better rendering"
@rodentpete said:
Your work looks good to me, my only suggestion is to keep down file sizes remember to cut symmetrical body part components in half and then copy/flip them, and for making curved surfaces don't underestimate the scale tool (especially Fredo6's Freescale plugin)
There are some good tutorials for modeling Gundams Here
I do cut in half and swap, I get rid of the lines afterwards because it can actually mess with the curves if you dont.
BTW that guide got me started also by the same guy he added a face plate tutorial to the sketchup warehouse http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=88ad07ffef4f430387f76e84a9a1319a&prevstart=12
illsteir is a whole lot better then me. -
RE: Blah11's Sketchup Gallery Updated "better rendering"
If anyone is interested I finished the model
RE: Blah11's Sketchup Gallery Updated "better rendering"
I forgot to do that sorry I usually do that to show off my models. Anyway I am not going to be joining the robot contest sorry, though I have joined this contest and have gotten 2nd =]
and thanks for theI have been seeking out peoples opinions about my sketchup work and looking around for diffrent ways of doing things because my BIG project is comeing soon. The one that will make everything in my sketchup warehouse look like junk. I really been looking into plugins since my last one helped me out allot with curves.
This is my next project http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/0080/ms-18e.htm and im scared.