First question is your geometry a group?
Cheers Rich
Always working on massing models, your cars are sweet!!
RE: Rendering on parallel proyection with vray
nomerdona has a great hack
set the field of view to 1, select the face you want to be parallel, right click and align view.
Renders great
RE: Problems with Vray Render - Color/Tonal Segregation
Any chance you can share your render settings might help with spotting any issues.
RE: Vray and match photo
Usually find changing the zoom factor in vray to .6 works for me, then just tweak in photoshop.
RE: [Plugin] Component Comparison
Thanks thomthom really cool time saver.
How did you get on with rendering in 3ds max?
RE: [Plugin] Super Drape
Thanks TIG
Had so much trouble with drape crashing I had to stop using it, long live super drape..
RE: [Concept] Materials++
@alz said:
Ah -- here's one I found myself wanting this morning --
A browser option to swap or condense materials. Select a bunch of materials in your list and swap them all for a different material.
I second that, deleting materials, merging materials and select all by material would be great (which though a standard option does not seem to always work.
RE: Summer/autumn
@davidh said:
1 more lakeside view with foreground depth of field added in the second image.the foreground rocks have had highlights burnt onto them in photoshop to try and make them more compatible with the lighting in the render.
Really nice renders, just something about the water, possibly reduce the reflection or more blur??
RE: Mental Ray noisy shadows
ThomThom could you share that part of the model so, i can give it a try?
RE: Sketchup to 3ds Max - First Attempt
scostumatu that really is a nice render.
Autodesk have sent an email around today offering upto £900 off the software, so may be time to bag a bargain...
Always found Ramy's site to be a great source for when i transfer from sketchup to max.
About time we had another Render This Comp??
About time we had another render this comp, it's by far the best way to improve your skills, get valuable feedback and compare render engines.
Any thoughts on content or has anybody got a model to share??
RE: Mental Ray noisy shadows
Dont agree with mentalray being poor, I have had some nice results and seen some stunning examples of arch vis. Personally only use vray with sketchup as architects can never make their mind up and constantly change things!!!
RE: Interior Lounge Tips Please
@junior-architect if it's not too late, post the model or section you want to render on the site and maybe some of us can have a look and try and give some tips.
RE: Interior Lounge Tips Please
@valerostudio said:
bhbarchitects,are there windows behind the camera? A room can be lit solely with GI, but only if the model and room setupo allow for it.
The scene is only lit by the natural doors and windows in the scene, there is a door behind the camera and bi-fold doors in the kitchen/diner.
Most of my work has to be more photoreal than overly artistic (booo!!!) I have to work with the building i am supplied so no false openings or missing walls.
junior-architect shutter speed is 30-60, 90% of the time i try and keep the default on all the other camera settings.
Thanks all for the nice comments, it's only through feedback and advice from you that i have progressed.
Keep up the good work
RE: Displacement issue in V-ray
Brilliant piece of info
Possible use as disp for roof tiles, if you can calculate the increase in height of the plane?
RE: [Example] V-Ray Displacement
The scene that ThomThom has been good enough to supply has a link to the displacement on a local machine.
If you save this map to your pc and then link to it, the scene should render fine.
Hope this helps
RE: Interior Lounge Tips Please
Never bother changing the gi from 1 and use standard vray sky.
Camera set between 30 and 60
No lights used in this scene, just make sure you get the sun coming through the window.
hope this helps
RE: Twisting Hand Rail
Thank you, once again you have come to the rescue.
Twisting Hand Rail
Hi All
Trying to create a shaped hand rail that follows a curve, using profile builder it extrudes fine but unfortunately it twists at one end.
Any ideas or plugins that could be recommended.