Cheers Tig
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Have been having fun with uv mapping a curb - your plugin was the missing link.
Thank you.
Cheers Tig
Donation sent
Have been having fun with uv mapping a curb - your plugin was the missing link.
Thank you.
Following your info if i am careful to draw paths in the same direction it works fine.
Thank you
Dave thanks for the info
Sandbox results are not as smooth as curve stitch as it stitches the curves together differently and i would rather not do it manually as there are lots of different windows all different dimensions.
So what native tool am i missing?
Interesting I thought it may have been something with direction path was draw.
Curviloft is awesome but how do i alter the direction of a path so it works?
Now use Thea Render and its great, i found it a steep learning curve (though helped by a great support team and brilliant forum) after years of vray, but now find the ability to work with huge files a massive boost to my work flow and the results are fantastic.
Beta testing Vray 1.6 which is fantastic with the new proxy system, but will be continuing with Thea.
You can import .obj into sketchup using a plugin.
Never tried importing more than non textured image
Nice result but would expect more light to be coming through the windows causing more high lights / shadows.
Also maybe look for a better back plate image.
Hi All
Sorry this must have been asked before, but cannot find the answer.
Why does curve stitcher sometimes not make a smooth face between two curves.
Every time i make the window left side stitches fine right side goes crazy.
Tried exploding the curve and re welding same result.
@tadema said:
Very nice
. Is the inside of the Church plastered/rendered?
Its lime plaster with a distemper finish.
It is a church but as they struggle so much for funding these days, they can becoming more community drop in / function centres, which is the reason for the glass extension and cafe area.
Hi All
Another Lumion animation built in sketchup.
St Barnabas was originally gutted in an arson attack, the video show the proposed rebuild.
BHB Architects completed the job December 2012.
Hi Sekta
It was done with the Pro version, i did try the demo first which certainly gives you an idea of what is possible.
The more i use it the better it gets, felt a bit baffled at its UI when i first used it compared to vray.
Thanks all for the nice comments.
Boofredlay Lumion works well with sketchup export as .dae and as long as you don't move the axis it is really easy to refresh the model.
You do need a good graphics card and i had to upgrade to a gtx680.
Free version is worth looking at but is watermarked to an extreme!!
Hi All
Enclosed are the video and some stills for the proposed masterplan of Wedgwood.
Models in sketchup i have been working on it for several months with many many changes.
I used Lumion due to at inception of deciding we were going to model the site we knew the client would want a flythrough.
At some time i hope to revisit the project and produce some proper stills in Thea or Vray
if the only difference is you clicking the override material button, would suggest it is a material issue. Did you create any of the textures?
It has done it to me in the past whilst using the spawner
Stitching is geometry !!
I am always amazed by how good some people are at modelling, but in architecture texture over modelling always wins, due to people changing there minds constantly...
As promised enclosed is the fly through of Wedgwood, first time using Lumion so improvements can be made including adding music transitions and how to use adobe premiere!!
Thanks for everyones help and advise,now off to play with Thea.
@solo said:
Reading through the responses I believe I'm in an alternative universe, no wonder SU 2013 was such a let down if the users they are polling are pretty much noobs and casual users that do not even use SU as extensively as users on this forum.
Floating menus, sub layers, bring back Susan WTF? more than half the requests are for Layout, which should be a separate thread IMO. So do not hold your breath, SU 2014 will have Susan back and more Layout improvements only, oh they may add floating menus...
thanks for the reply, i have found that results are better when starting from scratch with sandbox, but most of the time i use google earth import or i am supplied contour data. I have artisan and all of thom thom's plugins just need more time and a little guidance on how to use them.
Just waiting for the job to go into planning then i will share the visuals, i have removed all the buildings in the screen grab and its quite a large development. Just buying lumion so should be a flythough as well.