Perhaps it's why you see so less interior renderings done with MentalRay!
Very kind from Autodesk, you buy a 3Dmax (several thousand dollars) and get to spend one more thousand to add Vray!
In the past I've tried the demo of MAX several times...I was wondering to go to Max...but never succeed in using Mentalray for Archviz! I gave up when understood why Vray is the industry standard!
However Vray + Autodesk = same fight. The right equation to buy many times the same software (I am also a Vfsu user)!
I wont discourage you from testing, afterall things perhaps evolved in last versions. I personnaly think there's a lot of nice and well priced render soft, so why lose time on Max?
Bon courage
RE: Mental Ray noisy shadows
RE: Vray Paralell projection
What problem? you put no picture... however for what I remember it was not possible to make Ortho views in Vray4SU..!?
RE: Speedtree Studio
I am downloading the demo...of cinema version
Anyone already tested and get nice advice?
I have seen trees size sold in their website and get scared but trees size: 300 000 polys!!!
How may you dare export and use in other apps? -
RE: Making 3D from a Black and white image
thanx Hieru thats exactly what I was looking for. I will give it a try .
thanx again -
Making 3D from a Black and white image
I am looking for a way (plugin) to create a 3d form from a simple black and white image.
It is a simple extrusion of a LOGO but I want it to fit precisely the image...
Years ago it was a very simple tool include in most 3D package but now I found it's much less usual, or I havent searched the right place?
I looked at Blender, Modo but dont find a way for that so I am back to Sketchup!
I know it's a tool in VUE but I dont get it.
Thanx to help everyone -
RE: [plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
I also posted a few days ago about that expired plug but not lot of moves there on the subject..?
Please make a sign to us all, very interested in your plugin -
RE: [plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
I get the same problem: It says plugin has expired!
I am on PC XP SU8in EVAL mode.
thanx to help. This plug seems so interesting! -
Those days I am working (challenging) on organic stuff inside Sketchup... Precisely I am trying to create a technique for creating 3D trees in a smart way in Sketchup.
We all know the limitations about the subject, so it's a real challenge to get it to work. I recently descovered some ideas (tools?) to imagine ways to go, so I invite you all taking a look at this
On my blog:
and Twilight forum: is invited! and invited to share comments...
RE: Subdivide and Smooth Feature Requests
Just discovered this topic..!
My Number one demand is clearly about UV maping:
I mean UV transfers smoothly from proxy to smooth object. It would be so nice!!!
I hope it's not too late in your developpement process...
So When are you planning for this famous update? -
RE: [Plugin] Tree generator v0.2
I too. Of course biggest challenges are:
- go Low or High poly depending on the user need....
- Use of component intensively for SU memory management and for fast modifications
- UV mapping of the parts at creation time...cause after that it's almost impossible job to do with SU tools
RE: Color photos - hundred years ago
Colors armony of the first one is impressive! Very subtle grey/green ambiance
JOB: Creating Building my WEBSITE
Simple: I am looking for someone, somewhere,to build my new website. I dont get enough time to do it myself, plus it will be an occasion to share knowledge and so with others
Of course it will be a payed job...
Note I am in Paris FRANCE.
If interested leave me a message here.
I will create an hotmail for further contact about the subject -
IMO For now it's not usable for interior renderings. I think it has to improve about that: something like real global illumination with light bounces and so... The addition of lights, mesh lights, but then as you say global performance should improve to make it still "real time" working(GPU+CPU use?). still a béta but when I see possibility in their 3Dmax version, it's promissing
Burkhart and Solo
I dont get those crash or instability ...but I just tested with low or mid poly models -
Burkhart: dont forget it's real time engine... Slow rendering is relative. I've tried it on a PC Vista Quad 8300 4GO and with low to mid complexity projects and speed is not so bad.
Solo: In my tests, material editor worked fine: for pan and zoom in the render window (as explained above). -
Testing their Beta, and IMO it's the beginning of something really interesting!
So I invite you to visit them and test for yourself. I think and hope our SU community can boost their developpement process. I was soon in contact with them , and argued on their interest to invest in Sketchup rather than another soft... -
RE: Carrara anyone?
Me too Solo I get Carrara from 1 to 4, years ago...but it was times when there was no Sketchup around
Since then I upgraded to v4 thinking of rendering usage, but never get convinced about it so never used it...
I feel GI very hard to setup for architectural renderings. And camera was not easy to position so...time to give it another try? Hum dont know. -
RE: New vray for sketchup
It's INCREDIBLE for a software about 700$!!!
it's like falling in a trap an no way to come out..! Even with Twilight (99$!!!) I have two possible installations (home and work) and when I upgraded my computer(one month after buying TWL) email and in the same day I get my TWL working in the new computer!
Now it's 5 days (and 3 emails) to ASGVIS but still no solution to re-install on a new computer.
Someone to help? -
RE: New vray for sketchup
Since yesterday I cant use VFSU in my Work computer..! It seems I was in a demo mode that now expired!
However it still works in my Home computer... so I suppose it has been actvated to that computer, now I was wondering how I can move this licence from one computer to another. I tested with floating licence manager but cant get it to work. I remember I asked you this question before buying VFSU (moving from computer to another one) and you told me (in this topic) it already is possible with the floating licence manager..!
So I contacted ASGVIS and here is their answer:
"Our licensing system does not support "checking out" a license as done in 3DSM. I am sorry but there is no way to do this with V-Ray for SketchUp. Our limitation is on the installation and not the usage so an additional computer requires an additional license."
Are they joking????? -
Tried and it works when turned to crazy amounts...millions or so. Just hasn't been fixed since bé many other things I fear! From what we hear from many other users, I hope there'll soon be a patch to this version of VFSU, but I doubt.
RE: New vray
took a look at your video and must say I dont have solution but have you tried to contact: ?