Well, as I spent this evening making my decision, I may as well say what the work is that I have now decided NOT to take on. Without naming names of course.
The project was to produce some 'artist impression' style visuals for a big circus production. Great work on the face of it, a lot of creative freedom, and a change from the norm. I was on the understanding that this was for a "Cirque du Soleil" style circus - ie. a big theatrical event with high production values.
5 minutes on google revealed that this non-US/ non-European circus company, in addition to it's human performers makes extensive use of animals, including bears and great-apes, in some frankly appallingly demeaning ways. Ways that I'm pretty sure would be illegal here in the UK.
Nope, sorry. Not something I'm going to be complicit in. Decision made, off to bed to sleep well. Tomorrow I'll find a better client!