There is definitely Something going on here. I have exactly the same issue, as do others, which began on the same date.
No changes to my system, no plug-ins, nothing. Just a sudden lag with image import. SU15 is running fine, so it's no biggie, but this is not an isolated issue. Weird.....
RE: Sketchup pro 8 image import lag
RE: Slow image import
This is odd... I have experienced exactly the same issue, beginning in the past 48hrs, with painfully slow import/export in su8 and 14... Really strange... Hopefully someone can enlighten us?
RE: Updated Portfolio
Thanks for the heads-up Richard, much appreciated. Just taken a quick look, and I think that may be just what I need.
Very grateful mate, thank you.
RE: Updated Portfolio
Thanks again guys, so great to have positive feedback from a talented bunch like you.
Richard: I totally agree mate. Unfortunately the size restriction is imposed by the daportfolio site, but I'm in the process of setting up my own bespoke site with BIG images
Watch this space...
A. -
RE: Grumman G-44 Widgeon
Looks good. My only thought is that I'd tilt the nose of the plane up just a touch more. See how at the moment the wings and horizontal tail-planes seem to touch? Tilt the nose up a bit and you'll get a bit of blue sky between them, and the model will "read" better. Hope that makes sense. Such a great, clean model!
RE: Updated Portfolio
Thanks for such nice comments guys. Very much appreciated, as I always feel like a bit of an amateur compared to some of the work I see here.
Thanks again,
RE: Grumman G-44 Widgeon
Lovely model. Compositionally I'd go for a lower camera angle (I think your background plate could just about sustain this), and would tilt the aircraft slightly off horizontal, to make it feel a bit more dynamic. Great work
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Fantastic work. Great design ideas, beautifully presented as usual.
I always look forward to your updates Ken. Inspiring!Cheers,
Updated Portfolio
Hi All,
Been a while since I've posted, but I'm always lurking
Anyway, I've recently re-vamped my online portfolio, and wanted to share it with you guys.
So here it is:
I've posted a fair bit of this stuff here before, but there are some new bits in there, and it's nice to have it all in one place
Almost all the pieces shown, except for the character stuff, involve SketchUp to varying degrees.
The aerospace stuff, which I produced for the Google Lunar Xprize, was all modelled entirely in SU, and rendered in 3DSMax (in the days before I discovered Thea!)Thanks for looking. Questions, crits and comments are always gratefully received.
RE: Latest exhibition work...
Thanks guys. This was the first 'real' project that I'd used Thea for. It's always nice when the finished project comes close to what you imagined at the start. Above all, it gave me the confidence to integrate Thea into my regular workflow.
Latest exhibition work...
Bit of recent exhibition stand work: the design and the reality
SU & Thea....
RE: Product Branding and Render (LAUNCHED)
No worries mate.
If I worked for a branding agency that little sketch would have cost you a couple of thousand, but since it's you.......
RE: Product Branding and Render (LAUNCHED)
Hey Richard,
Sorry mate -I didn't explain myself properly
I get the offset idea - and I like it.
It was the width of the border that didn't feel quite right to me... I've attached a quick sketch of what I meant.
RE: Product Branding and Render (LAUNCHED)
Richard: really strong as ever. If I could make a suggestion though- for me, the left- right spacing between the white rectangles and the dark grey square feels a little awkward. I think perhaps the smallest gap left- right should be the same as the gap top and bottom, keeping the border width consistent. This would mean making the white rectangles narrower than they are now of course. Hope that makes sense. Feel free to ignore, because what you have already works well.
RE: MY digital painting journey
Majid: that is just fantastic. Real art transcends the medium it is created in. Whether this was produced digitally or traditionally becomes irrelevant. This is art, and it is beautiful. I'm loving this 'journey' that you are on. Please don't stop.
New PC advice please.
I'm about to buy a new PC. Can someone who understands this stuff better than me please advise:
Option one: Intel Xeon quad core 3.5 ghz turbo, 1 GB nvidia quadro k600, 8 gb ram.
Option two: Intel core i7 4790 4 ghz, 1 gb nvidia GeForce gt720, 8gb ram.
Option two is about Β£200 cheaper, and includes a decent monitor, which option one doesn't. So adding in a monitor, the price difference is pretty big. My question is, will I notice a massive benefit going with the higher spec (option 1) machine? Using SU, Thea4SU and photoshop. Will option two be up to the task? I don't generally work with massive files, just looking for decent performance and sensible render times really.
Advice appreciated!
Examples of great construction docs please?
Hope you Layout experts can help me here: despite being a long time SU user, I've never done a great deal of work in Layout.
I'm going to be doing some contracting work for a new client, and part of my role will be implementing new working processes with the existing designers, who currently use a mixture of SU, AutoCad, Vectorworks, 3DSMax, etc, etc. I want to streamline things, and we have already agreed on a SU / Thea4SU workflow for modelling and rendering. Ideally I'd like to utilise Layout for our construction docs, with the view of keeping things as streamlined as possible.
To make my case as strongly as possible, I'd like to be able to show some examples of really great construction docs, produced in Layout - ideally combining plans/elevations and possibly perspective detail views.
I'm working in the exhibitions/events business, where typically our construction documents aren't as comprehensive as in architecture, but still need to accurately describe dimensions, materials, and construction methods.
Would any of you be able to share / point me in the direction of some examples of the best Layout work - can be from any field - architecture, joinery, etc. so that I can present these and make the case for a SU /Thea / Layout workflow?
Many thanks,
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 2: Sci-Fi
More great stuff Ken.
Would interested to know how much of the scene is 3D and how much is comprised of 2D elements. Love the tilted camera-angle and composition