OK, I've been in this game long enough to know that asking a 'which renderer is best' question opens all sorts of worm-cans 
However..... I'm currently using 3DS Max - this is really a hangover from the bad ol' days when I used to model in AutoCad (that and working for a company who can't believe there is life after AutoDesk...)
Anyway, as I now do ALL my modelling in SU, paying for 3DS Max, and only using it for rendering is a real waste, so I've started looking into 3rd party render engines for Sketchup - Vray, Thea, etc etc...
The problem I come up against is this: in 3DS Max the render-time for the image attached (not amazing I know, but typical for my industry) is about 10 minutes, at a resolution of 3200px wide. What I need is a renderer that can get close to these times - in my indusrty render times of hours are simply not realistic. I work to ultra-short deadlines, and designs are being reveised on a constant and rapid basis. You'll see from the example that I don't need ultra-high levels of realism, just basic GI capabilities really. In other words, I can sacrifice total perfection for speed! The model shown is fairly typical in terms of complexity, poly-count etc..
So any and all advice would be appreciated. Render engines are mostly judged on their final image quality, which is fair enough. But what I need is something that is good enough, and FAST. I'm sure there must be others, working in the real world, who have had to deal with this?
Can 'o' worms well and truly opened 