Push/pull double click wrong direction
@alpro said:
......, never could find a pattern or somehow reproduce it, just seems to happen randomly.
Fortunately for SketchUp there seems to be no inconsistency about how the next extrusion will come out. It all depends on what the first P/P did.
You need to determine if the P/P face is enclosed and even that doesn't seem to matter too much unless you you "trow in" using [Ctrl].If you push or pull a face the newly created perpendicular faces do match the push/pulled face as if it were part of a box. This seems pretty much predictable to me.
- If you p/p a face and see blue (back) inside the box, then all next ones have blue (back) inside.
- If you p/p a face so white (front) ends up inside the box, all next ones do have white (front) inside.
@wo3dan said:
@alpro said:
......, never could find a pattern or somehow reproduce it, just seems to happen randomly.
Fortunately for SketchUp there seems to be no inconsistency about how the next extrusion will come out. It all depends on what the first P/P did.
You need to determine if the P/P face is enclosed and even that doesn't seem to matter too much unless you you "trow in" using [Ctrl].If you push or pull a face the newly created perpendicular faces do match the push/pulled face as if it were part of a box. This seems pretty much predictable to me.
- If you p/p a face and see blue (back) inside the box, then all next ones have blue (back) inside.
- If you p/p a face so white (front) ends up inside the box, all next ones do have white (front) inside.
I am well aware of how the Push/Pull tool works, but this is not the issue that I outlined in my first post.
@hornoxx said:
@macker said:
No, as per the previous I have ruled out the surface normals direction.
"...the surface normals direction..."
it took me time to translate and realize that you mean the frontface-backface thing.
I mistook this sentence with something like orthogonal/perpendicular...Yes, sorry. Sketchup is the only 3D software I know of that calls them front/back faces, in everything else they're referred to as "normals".
@macker said:
I am well aware of how the Push/Pull tool works, but this is not the issue that I outlined in my first post.I'm not saying that you don't know how P/P works on double clicking (except for its direction): it repeats the last value, but which way?
Since SketchUp does consistently follow certain rules the developers rolled out for it (opposed to what some see, that it is randomly doing so) that can't be wrong, can it? It's not unpredictable, as mentioned above.
I agree that these rules are hard to remember so I don't even bother to do so.
The only thing I'm saying is that right from the first P/P you that you make you'll know (or can know) exactly the next one's direction. If you would have wanted it to go the opposite direction, then start in opposite direction.
Macker, forget my two posts, I get that some weird changes occure while saving -> reloading your model which makes the direction change. Never experienced that.
I was "triggered" by Alpro's reply with random, taking that for random direction for P/P.
@wo3dan said:
The only thing I'm saying is that right from the first P/P you that you make you'll know (or can know) exactly the next one's direction. If you would have wanted it to go the opposite direction, then start in opposite direction.
Now this is the issue. Sometimes it DOESN'T act like this.
There are occasions whereby I may pull a front face by 50mm, and then double click another front face and it will push it 50mm. This is the behaviour that is unexpected.
Are you 100% sure these faces are both oriented the same way ?
View in Monochrome mode.
Materials and Textures on faces can mask poorly oriented faces... -
I absolutely guarantee you that they are facing the correct way. I always model in front/back/monochrome view.
As I think has already been noted, software does not act randomly. The problem is that sometimes the logic is obscure and confusing. SketchUp has some "helpful" behaviors such as always orienting a new face at z=0 so that the "front" faces downward, and automatically creating a "hole" when pushpulling a face that is inset in another face, having a hidden sign to the direction of pushpull, etc. The interaction of these behaviors can be quite confusing, but it isn't random.
I get this behavior from time to time too, I believe is somehow user related.
I just recorded it happening. The second push/pull operation is a double click. You can see the correct face orientation on the first, and the distance typed, and the direction.
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No ideas?
Got it happening again in another model...
Trusted by over 1 million users, MangoApps is the leading social collaboration, instant messaging, project management, document management and task management tools.
See, I'm not going mad. This behavior happens.
@macker said:
See, I'm not going mad. This behavior happens.
Just in case you are going mad, I join you.
Nevertheless, no amount of "you must be doing..." or "it can't happen" is going to change the fact that Yes it does happen.
It's there and is probably predictable (but the causes are also probably too complex for mere mortals to pin down).
I, too, am having this issue, and it happens pretty consistently in 2016, doesn't happen at all in 2015. If not everybody is having the problem, could it be a PC vs Mac thing? I'm on a Mac. Are the others of you having this issue all on Macs? I haven't checked this out on Sketchup.com, but that's where I'm going next.
know this post has been around awhile, thought I'd chime in that I see the same odd behavior at times. it does seem totally random and unpredictable. Example would be creating a frame and panel look to a wall, recessing panels 1/2" ,running a wall same axis ,double clicking away and viola it pulls a panel instead of pushing. Also seems to occasionally not erase a face when punching holes in walls. no predictability may go weeks without issues than problems pop up in a model . go figure. exit the tool and go back to push pull and everything o.k.?
If anybody is interested, here's a link to the thread started by my post on this subject on the Sketchup Community forum. While the issue isn't totally "solved," I'm satisfied with the answers I got from the SketchUp team, and particularly some of John's explanations were quite helpful. http://forums.sketchup.com/t/2016-push-pull-double-click-pulls-in-opposite-direction/23140