[Plugin][$] Curvizard - v2.5a - 01 Apr 24
RV1974 I'm not a user of this plugin but I saw the demo on the attached link, it looks it will help whit what you're wanting to do.
Artisan is a SketchUp extension filled with powerful organic modeling tools. It is perfect for creating: Terrain, Furniture, Characters, and much more!
Artisan (artisan4sketchup.com)
other one can be Vertex tools at http://www.thomthom.net/software/vertex_tools/
@unknownuser said:
However, Curvizard include an autoexit feature (See Default parameters). You preselect the segments by the SU Selection tool and then call Curvizard (icon or context menu) that will just make them curves and exit. I can easily do the brief highlight (actually I implemented the feature and disabled it). Instead, you have the highlight in pale green of any SU curve you mouse over.
oh.. yeah.. that's good for preselecting then welding
pretty much what i was imagining to myself earlier in the thread.. ha!@unknownuser said:
I understand the requirement, but the capability of Curvizard to know exactly which segments will form a curve is limited (the Follow mode is based on angle continuity).
right.. that's how recurve is set up too.. the angle is 1 radian.. the main reason i use recurve is because you only have to select one segment then it follows/selects anything under a radian.. (well, also because i don't have to answer any questions at the end as in weld.rb)
i was thinking in the speed idea, the follow mode is using whatever number is listed in the palette.. (defualt 40 but if i change it to 60 at some point, then it will use that next time i use the speed mode)
[sorry for this 'speed mode' talk.. sounds kinda corny.. i don't know what else to call it though]further, the mode could combine preselect & no selection.. (everything is already written/functioning.. i'm just suggesting (in my non-ruby-knowing-head) moving some of the wires around for a different style of user interaction)... usage-
β’ select a segment
β’ press keyshortcut
β’ curvizard's follow mode kick in then selects accordingly and welds
β’ auto exit-AND-
β’ have nothing selected
β’ press the same keyshortcut
β’ curvizard's cursor comes up
β’ select a segment, follow mode, weld
β’ auto exiti honestly think that would be the best welding tool yet.. by far
not sure how others would feel about it but i can't grasp someone not liking it much better than weld.rbanyway, thanks for listening
NEW RELEASE: Curvizard v1.2a - 18 May 13
Curvizard 1.2 is an technical update dedicated to the management of big number of edges and contours. It also fixes bugs related to operating on duplicated groups[/list]
Duplicated groups are groups which are just been copied from an existing group (via the Move+ tool or Copy / paste). Until they are edited, Sketchup treats them as pseudo components. This creates a lot of issues for Ruby scripts and is the source of potential crashes or errors of type "Reference to deleted entity".
Here is a short video showing the visual effect on a Make Curve process on 13,000 edges.
Curvizard 1.1 requires an upgrade to LibFredo6 4.9 or higher.
See main post of this thread for Download.
I have installed the last versions of Curvizard and LibFredo and an error appears now.
I work on Mac. -
This is very strange that the value for angle max is written 40,0 (with a comma).
I can't reproduce how this has been made possible, because even if comma may be the decimal separator in Spanish (like in French), the Ruby code only uses the notation with '.' as the separator.Just to be sure, could you type the following in the Ruby console:
{ :a => 40.0 }.inspectTo fix it, you may start any Curvizard tool and click on the AngleMax value of the edge picker section and type another value. Tell me if this work.
Hi Fredo,
I typed in Ruby Console and I obtain this:
%(#FF0000)[> { :a => 40.0 }.inspect
{:a=>40.0}]I select a curve then I press an icon tool of Curvizard but I can't see the Tool Options Menu.
I deleted the sketchup preferences and for the moment it works fine again (it's possible that the preferences file was corrupt). -
I just wanna say thanks for all your amazing SU tools!!!
Hi Fredo, when converting an arc / circle to construction lines a point is added to its segment end. Is there a way of not doing so?
And once again, thank you for what you do for SU!!
@utiler said:
Hi Fredo, when converting an arc / circle to construction lines a point is added to its segment end. Is there a way of not doing so?
And once again, thank you for what you do for SU!!
Anyone? Here's a screenshot of what I'm referring too...
Select all
Right Click /Select Only Guide Points / Delete ? -
Efectively more speedy than my basic method!
I knew it had to be something simple.... Thanks guys!
Date; 25-Aug-13 05;57;22 An error occured in Curvizard#edge_prop The operation is aborted undefined method `length' for nil;NilClass CurvizardAlgo.rb; 451 -- execute_geometry CurvizardTool.rb; 1596 -- geometry_generate CurvizardTool.rb; 1496 -- top_execute CurvizardTool.rb; 290 -- handle_initial_selection CurvizardTool.rb; 267 -- activate CurvizardTool.rb; 46 -- select_tool CurvizardTool.rb; 46 -- launch_tool CurvizardTool.rb; 41 -- action__mapping Lib6Plugin.rb; 134 -- call Lib6Plugin.rb; 134 -- launch_action bootstrap_Curvizard.rb; 51 -- launch_action bootstrap_Curvizard.rb; 81 -- declare_command Lib6Plugin.rb; 1044 -- call Lib6Plugin.rb; 1044 -- command_invoke Lib6Plugin.rb; 1026 -- build_config_commands Lib6Traductor.rb; 1074 -- call Lib6Traductor.rb; 1074 -- add_command
very nice plugin. It's really useful, thank you so much
NEW RELEASE: Curvizard v1.4a - 15 Sep 13
Curvizard 1.4a is a release with the following updates
- New naming conventions
- Fixes a major bug in the Edge Prop tool (which was not working)
- Include an alternate icon toolbar by CadFather
Curvizard 1.4 requires an upgrade to LibFredo6 5.2 or higher.
See main post of this thread for Download.
@dedmin said:
I am not sure I see the problem.
But in any case, Simplify is not the opposite of Smooth.Furthermore, Smooth can be used to simplify a curve by incresing the angle, whereas Simplify just remove vertices based on a minimum angle