Villa PM maxwell render and process
okey okey I want to believe that is render not real photo
breath . breath . breath
wow great work really I thought you are speaking to really pic not render go head man I wish you more successful
I wish to find like this tutorial because I have problem in make final render -
David, can you tell me where you got the background from? Is it purchased?
I have attached the 2 dirt maps i used in photoshop.I will upload a more detailed tutorial later but basically what I do is copy the dirtmap image into the rendered image in photoshop and use the distort tool (EDIT -TRANSFORM -DISTORT in the pull down menu)to align it over the area I want to grunge up.I then use the overlay blend and set this to about 40 -60% and thats it.If you do this with multiple textures in the same area you can really start to build up interesting textures.
Regarding the background,it was a free download, a very hi res jpg .(sky 0008)
the website
Thanks for the explanation. I didn't think it would be that simple - I assumed it would involve creating grunge brushes and using a technique to over paint in perspective.
Thanks for sharing the resource David.
very impressive post processing here, david... really impressed!
Heres one with some additional foreground elements and a very dead tree!
Stunning work AGAIN mate!
Just wondering though why you don't add the dirt as a layer to the materials prior to rendering? I pretty much add a dirt layer to every material.
Also not so sure about the car in this one, they seem out of place in a ruins shot!
Hi Rich,
The main reason I didnt add dirt maps in maxwell is because I was originally just playing about with the HDRI lighting and when I had the photoshop file open I decided to play around with the textures as well.The car does look a bit out of place but its really there to catch reflections on the bodywork and glass,just to help to accentuate the contrasts with the materials.I have attached 2 more images here.As I said before its a great model to test render with but its all about the lighting for me at the moment.
super method
thx for sharing
. im looking forward to your next work.
@davidh said:
As I said before its a great model to test render with but its all about the lighting for me at the moment.
Well ten points for that - the lighting is superbe!!!
Whoa, Maxwell rocks ! Looks so real
And the post work in Ps makes it more real
The second one of the last series is superb.
@richard said:
Stunning work AGAIN mate!
Just wondering though why you don't add the dirt as a layer to the materials prior to rendering? I pretty much add a dirt layer to every material.
Also not so sure about the car in this one, they seem out of place in a ruins shot!
Do you have any tutorials or reference to add dirt to the maxwell material? Cause I am trying to achieve a nice and realistic look with materials layer layers but I can't..
beautiful images, David
Not that it really matter, but take a look at the dates...
This thread is back from June 2011...