Show Me Your SketchUp
Here is mine. I have set my toolbars NOT to be wider than when I set my SU window workspace to be exactly 1024x768 pixels. I have a small Windows utility, "Sizer " which will remember a set of window sizes (the above is called "4:3" in my system but as you can see, I have other sizes as well).
The dialogs are outside of this area and I always keep the Entity info dialog open separately.
I also have Jim's Custom toolbar plugin so that I can make a collection of the less frequently used tools (the ones I use more frequently, have shortcuts). IT ALSO Has a couple of buttons otherwise unavailable in SU like show endpoints or use edges by axis etc. This way I can get rid of buttons for which I use shortcuts and buttons (tools) that I never use anyway (like )
I made an overlay where I undocked this Custom toolbar so that you can see better which are the buttons. I also attach my toolbars settings file (txt) below.
The rest are either toolbars not incorporated into this custom toolbar yet (Google, Sandbox, Sections, Solids) and all the others are plugins.
I changed the topic to a global announcement for a while.
John, you (and all the SU Team) can also post "local" and "global" announcements and stickies. Feel free to use this "superpower" any time you want to post something like this...
@unknownuser said:
@wind-borne said:
@unknownuser said:
Wind b
What are the FT & IN icons?It's later than you think or maybe i waste landscape.
I gather that much.
I meant
What do they do?Edit(reason being, I'll often switch units between architectural and fractional inches. Was wondering if theicons work aling those lines?)
Similar, other icons in Toggle Units plugin do what you do
I'm not allowed to post my desktop... the image is too wide for the forums. so here's a link.
and while we're discussing it, can you do something about the 4th wall above sketchup in monitor layouts? none of the toolbars or windows will go above sketchup into another monitor, only to the sides.
Michael, you have many toolbars I have never seen before.
Its interesting to see how many people have the standard large tool set docked in the same place. I am kinda shocked to see the layers pallet closed on most peoples. I have entity info and layers open all the time.
ok, here is mine. I use 2 monitorsat work. I keep all floating windows on my 2nd monitor.
Like Gaieus I also use Sizer to get exact proportions to my SU window because I need to match image exports fairly often. My toolbars change a lot. I turn them on and off all the time. I uninstall plugins very often by moving them out of the plugins folder. Then put them back later when I need them again. I use my SU UI very dynamically, it would be awesome if it was built to be more flexible naturally instead of having to sort of run the show manually.
Thanks for starting this thread John,
@chris fullmer said:
...My toolbars change a lot. I turn them on and off all the time. I uninstall plugins very often by moving them out of the plugins folder. Then put them back later when I need them again. I use my SU UI very dynamically, it would be awesome if it was built to be more flexible naturally instead of having to sort of run the show manually...
Ditto. I have many disabled toolbars and even disabled plugins which I use less frequently. Despite the very important and useful improvements with toolbar restore and such, I would also love to see some further development here.