FluidImporter free .obj importer Beta 1.0.5 Updated
It's not a Plugin, it's a compiled 'Importer'.
It adds an additional Importer type 'Wavefront/OBJ' under the File > Import file-browser...
The same as other compiled importers/exporters - it's the Ruby based tools that are in other menus like Plugins... -
Which folder do I have to extract the fluidimporter file? I cannot see it under the plugins menu after extracting on its default folder.
Btw. I'm using Google sketch up v8 (free version) ,and should I install the fluid ray demo version before fluidimporter for sketchup appears?
If yes, which installer should I download? I'm using windows vista ultimate 64 bit, 4gb ram
FluidRay for SketchUp Win32 Demo (Version 1.1.2)
FluidRay for SketchUp Win32 SSE2 Demo (Version 1.1.2)
FluidRay for SketchUp Win64 SSE2 Demo (Version 1.1.2)
FluidRay for SketchUp Win64 SSE41 Demo (Version 1.1.2)Thanks!
@tig said:
It's not a Plugin, it's a compiled 'Importer'.
It adds an additional Importer type 'Wavefront/OBJ' under the File > Import file-browser...
The same as other compiled importers/exporters - it's the Ruby based tools that are in other menus like Plugins...Thanks TIG, you're the MAN!
I just installed your importer and I have no issue importing the .obj file, however I am not getting any textures?
Everything is just gray. I received the files from a furniture company, 4 seperate folders with several .obj files + .mtl and some jpgs that I guess are the textures. How do I add these into sketchup onto the objects?Thank you
@whoa said:
I just installed your importer and I have no issue importing the .obj file, however I am not getting any textures?
Everything is just gray. I received the files from a furniture company, 4 seperate folders with several .obj files + .mtl and some jpgs that I guess are the textures. How do I add these into sketchup onto the objects?Thank you
You can read OBJ and MTL files in Notepad or equivalent.
The OBJ file defines the MTL file by name mtllib xxx.mtl.
The OBJ file usually expects the MTL file to be in the same folder as itself.
The MTL file defines materials.
They can be simple plain color like this (Kd values as %s =~[170,170,170]=~'mid-gray')
newmtl Color_003
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
d 1.000000
or with a texture specified by an image-file it is like this
newmtl Wood_Floor
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.607843 0.411765 0.239216
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
d 1.000000
map_Kd MyModel/Wood_Floor.jpg
In this example the MTL file is expecting to find that material's texture's image-file called Wood_Floor.jpg in a subfolder that's in the MTL file's folder, that's named MyModel.
Note that many OBJ exporters use an image subfolder, but some do not - in that case the line might read
map_Kd Wood_Floor.jpg
and then the textures' image files should be in the same folder as the MTL file itself...
If an OBJ importer can't find the image file it usually skips using it, and just uses the color specified for the material - in the case of 'Wood_Floor' this would be an RGB color based on the Kd values, as percentages of 255 =~[155,105,61]=~'mid-brown'...Note that the 'd' value is the opacity: where 1.000000 is solid and 0.500000 is 50% transparent etc... So you can adjust these prior to import if desired...
Thank you for writing this tool. But everyttime i try to load in an OBJ, the sketchup just crashes. It crashes on a very simple text file. I'm a bit confused at what I can do. Am I doing something wrong? These files are all exported from Maya. Thanks!
@emanshiu said:
Thank you for writing this tool. But everyttime i try to load in an OBJ, the sketchup just crashes. It crashes on a very simple text file. I'm a bit confused at what I can do. Am I doing something wrong? These files are all exported from Maya. Thanks!
What are the error messages in the Ruby Console etc ?
Have you tried it with my [TIG] older/slower OBJimporter.rb ?
Any error messages there ?
CAN you zip the OBJ & MTL files... and image files [in a folder if specified in the MTL etc] and post them so we can test it... -
@tig said:
@emanshiu said:
Thank you for writing this tool. But everyttime i try to load in an OBJ, the sketchup just crashes. It crashes on a very simple text file. I'm a bit confused at what I can do. Am I doing something wrong? These files are all exported from Maya. Thanks!
What are the error messages in the Ruby Console etc ?
Have you tried it with my [TIG] older/slower OBJimporter.rb ?
Any error messages there ?
CAN you zip the OBJ & MTL files... and image files [in a folder if specified in the MTL etc] and post them so we can test it...There are no error messages as it just crashes.
I'm sorry i was not aware theres an older one. I just tried to find it but can't where is it?
Also is there any way to import an obj and have it place at 0,0,0?
thanks so much for the help!
Search the Plugins-Index [here] for my OBJimporter.rb ...
That does place the geometry directly at it's original location.
The alternative, newer compiled version allows you to manually locate the geometry BUT it's easy enough to make that [0,0,0] ... -
@tig said:
Search the Plugins-Index [here] for my OBJimporter.rb ...
That does place the geometry directly at it's original location.
The alternative, newer compiled version allows you to manually locate the geometry BUT it's easy enough to make that [0,0,0] ...any idea on the crashing? it's really just a cube from maya.....
@emanshiu said:
@tig said:
Search the Plugins-Index [here] for my OBJimporter.rb ...
That does place the geometry directly at it's original location.
The alternative, newer compiled version allows you to manually locate the geometry BUT it's easy enough to make that [0,0,0] ...any idea on the crashing? it's really just a cube from maya.....
Unless you zip up the OBJ/MTL/Image-files and post them how can I know?
Have you tried the older importer.rb file ?
I haven't been directly involved in making the newer one BUT there might be clues in the way each one works...
Please post the files if we are to progress this issue anywhere... -
Yep, if you post the file that is causing the crash, I'll be happy to test it on FluidImporter as well.
hi Fluid and Tig... thank you very much for this importer. tried it for a test and achieve great result
@tig said:
@whoa said:
I just installed your importer and I have no issue importing the .obj file, however I am not getting any textures?
Everything is just gray. I received the files from a furniture company, 4 seperate folders with several .obj files + .mtl and some jpgs that I guess are the textures. How do I add these into sketchup onto the objects?Thank you
You can read OBJ and MTL files in Notepad or equivalent.
The OBJ file defines the MTL file by name mtllib xxx.mtl.
The OBJ file usually expects the MTL file to be in the same folder as itself.
The MTL file defines materials.
They can be simple plain color like this (Kd values as %s =~[170,170,170]=~'mid-gray')
newmtl Color_003
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
d 1.000000
or with a texture specified by an image-file it is like this
newmtl Wood_Floor
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.607843 0.411765 0.239216
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
d 1.000000
map_Kd MyModel/Wood_Floor.jpg
In this example the MTL file is expecting to find that material's texture's image-file called Wood_Floor.jpg in a subfolder that's in the MTL file's folder, that's named MyModel.
Note that many OBJ exporters use an image subfolder, but some do not - in that case the line might read
map_Kd Wood_Floor.jpg
and then the textures' image files should be in the same folder as the MTL file itself...
If an OBJ importer can't find the image file it usually skips using it, and just uses the color specified for the material - in the case of 'Wood_Floor' this would be an RGB color based on the Kd values, as percentages of 255 =~[155,105,61]=~'mid-brown'...Note that the 'd' value is the opacity: where 1.000000 is solid and 0.500000 is 50% transparent etc... So you can adjust these prior to import if desired...
Thank you so much TIG you just saved me from hours of trying to fix up the textures as normally happens when i try a new importer/exporter
Thanks a bunch
BTW for anyone who also has this problem, my .OBJ said
mtllib C:\......\*wheremyModelIs*\test.mtl
I changed it tomtllib test.mtl
- took off the directory data and it worked like a charm -
Hi there,
I tried to download the fluidimporter, but the website gives back a 500 error.
I couldn't find a mirror to download it. Is there someone who would send it to me or give me an available link ?
It should be fixed now.
hmm... We're having a tab bit of trouble importing a terrain mesh we've made... We keep running out of memory...
The file size on the obj file is 374mb.
Any solutions?If importer cant be solved for it... any other way to get it into sketchup (perhaps in pieces?)
Not sure about the polygon count, but its a large number. Probably somewhere around 2m.
All i can say is try poly cruncher or deep exploration beforehand.
That's a pretty large .obj which probably increases inside SU also. Best of luck with it
poly cruncher is a bit useless since the goal is to have a complex 3D terrain mesh, and deep exploration would not work... (wrong processor)
any way to chop up a 3D mesh into smaller segments?