[Plugin] MaterialConsolidator
GR8 !!!
TY. -
thank you for this useful tool !
but one question:
how do i delete unused materials that result from objects imported by
the warehouse and which i dont use anymore?to be more exactly, i tried out several warehouse objects to fit my needs
and mixed some of them. at the end i got 50+ textures loaded but maybe only
15 are in use. deleting all by hand would take some time.did i get something wrong ?
@staatsfeind said:
thank you for this useful tool !
but one question:
how do i delete unused materials that result from objects imported by
the warehouse and which i dont use anymore?
to be more exactly, i tried out several warehouse objects to fit my needs
and mixed some of them. at the end i got 50+ textures loaded but maybe only
15 are in use. deleting all by hand would take some time.
did i get something wrong ?
'Used' Materials are not 'purged'...
Erase all unwanted Component Instances OR go to the Component Browser and find the unwanted component, right-click its icon and pick 'Delete' - this removes it from the model/browser/data-base.
OR if there are no Instances left use Component Browser > Purge... pop-out to remove any unused Components
It's recommended that you also use Layer Browser > Purge... pop-out to remove any unused Layers [that might have been associated with Components that you have just purged]
NOW use Material Browser > Purge... pop-out to remove any unused Materials [that might have been associated with Components that you have just purged]OR simply use Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused... to purge them all in one go - this also includes a purge of unused Styles.
OR try my 'Purge' script which is similar but it lets you choose which kinds of thing to purge, and makes a 'report' of what's gone too...
hell you react fast ! ;D
thx for your answer, will give it a try.
Great plugin, thanks TIG. Not one I'll likely use very often but I just had need of it and it worked perfectly.
Thank you for this plugin... it's quite useful.
Thanks TIG, I've got just the project for this.
I set keyboard shortcuts for all the plugins I use.
Since this script takes a long time to complete their tasks in some files, I get confused sometimes I use the shortcuts, and inadvertently I press the shortcut for this plugin. You could insert an option to be given a warning to accept or not if we want to do cleaning?
Another interesting option is the possibility of inserting a percentage level where materials are not identical, but similar would be united into one.
It's possible to rename all the materials in words capitalized?
If we could make a clean sweep in the names would also help.
Why? Try it:
http://www.den4b.com/?x=products&product=renamer -
First things last...
You cannot 'rename' materials via the Ruby API unless you have Sketchup >= v8M1 [OR my SKMtools installed] because
doesn't exist as a method otherwise. If the method is available then this one-liner will rename ALL materials in the model using CAPITAL letters - otherwise you'll get an error message!Sketchup.active_model.materials.each{|m|m.name=m.name.upcase}
The accuracy idea would apply to what exactly ? I expect Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
At the moment the code has several tests of equivalence like
next if mat.color.red != m0.color.red
You can edit the code [using a plain text editor like Notepad/Notepad++ etc] to apply an accuracy thus, where you'll define the accuracy as sayper=0.01
[i.e. we'll accept it as a match if it's within 1%]. You can either hardcode the 'per' or you could get this from an added dialog as the tool runs... [see below]
So now tweak the test[s]next if mat.color.red > m0.color.red*(1+per) or mat.color.red < m0.color.red*(1-per)
Repeat this for RGB and A...
To get the accuracy from a dialog add this at the start of the code on a new line immediately after '
'results=inputbox(["0.NNN; "],[0.01],"Material Consolidator Accuracy") return nil unless results per=results[0]
you then enter the required accuracy in the format 0.01 =1%, 0.1 =10%, 0.5 =50% etc.
Obviously if you use the dialog to set the accuracy you do not need a line that saysper=...
elsewhere in the code!
If you cancel the dialog the material-consolidation is aborted.This accuracy dialog could act as your startup prompt... BUT if you don't implement it then add this line at the start of the code instead
return nil if UI.messagebox("Consolidate All Materials ?",MB_YESNO,"")==7
thank you for the plugin
Really a great plugin!
Thank you TIG! -
Came down in the best moment. I had a horrible mess in the materials of a collaborative model.
its a blessing
Hey, TIG. How about adding some "fuzzy" logic to this? I mean, sometimes you have very similar materials that have only slightly different properties. For example, half a dozen of glasses with only slightly different tints, or slightly different alpha values, and it would be useful to consolidate them.
A mighty handy plugin. Thanks!
is there somebody out there who can compile the above mentioned "accuracy" code addon into the plugin and share it with us
would be awesome!!
Here's v2.0 which includes optional 'tolerances' for RGBA values.
So you can now consolidate colors which are almost a match !
Use it with thought...
But it is one-step undo-able !
Please read the updated usage notes in the first post: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=295290#p295290 -
Thanks TIG. This will be a very useful addition to an often-used plugin.
Thank you!
Sorry, for any inconvenience !
Here's v3.0
It tweaks any options checking - to avoid unexpected results ! -
WOW super many muchas gracias
heavily appreciated!edit:
of course one is never satisfied for long ...plugin works as expected now, but its kind of slow on scenes with many many polygons and the report does not state the progress or if the plugin is still working or if the app is frozen and also there are some crucial options missing...
for example: work in only on entities in active context or vice versa, ignore entities and materials of active objects
dont know if anyone is aware of the age old plugin material maintance - this one is quite fast with what it does ..
maybe someone in the future can combine them and make a proper plugin, i personally would be happy to pay for something like that