[Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
@unknownuser said:
I moved 1 end vertex in at varying angles.
But like this your surface result is not the same ?
With my method you keep the same surface!
Absolutly no idea why this not works for you ?
I tested on V7, on V6 (all with the divided segment) -
This is a symmetrical shape and it's interesting that it skins quite well if a line is added at the center. I prefer to divide the end and center line for more subdivisions, but I don't really know if that is helpful. I often find that a shape works better (or at all) in Curviloft with a line or curve added across the center area. But I could use a full course on CL. I am usually shooting in the dark and can understand the purpose to few of the features, myself.I couldn't get it to skin otherwise, nor follow Rich's procedure. Other curve arrangements would light up and I never got a setup as he shows. [edit: now I see what he did, but I don't know how he knew to do it--and the shape just skinned without me designating any edges--after adding edges at the ends of the shape]
Regards, Peter
Pbacot; I did not try segmenting a line because CL does too much segmentation at best, most of which I end up tweaking out (as I mentioned above) to reduce the line count and surface complexity. Here I just needed a "flat" surface quickly, as a temporary separate group while I did some work behind it.
When it refused to surface I did it manually (triangulating the vertices) as I had no time then to play. Later I extracted the perimeter to see what was wrong, which led to my post.
My supposition about 2 or more acute angles may be wrong after thinking about it and later I will try a few edits to prove me right or wrong.
Rich, that explains it very well. Thanks from me even though I wasn't having any problem with it.
Curviloft works with 4 contours (what is called a coon).
When you have a single continuous contour, you need to define these 4 contours. As highlighted by Rich, one simple way to tell Curviloft is to put Break points, with small open segments. Then, you can Select All and proceed with Skinning.Fredo
PS1: another way is to use the Edge by Edge selection, and press Return between each of the 4 contours.
PS2: colors have no special meaning except to differentiate the selected contours
PS3: error handling is not complete yet. This is why the plugin is still in Beta
Aaah OK !
All is clear now! -
How to soft/hide diagonals only??
How does one generate a lofted surface with only the diagonals soft/hidden? This is useful if you want to use the loop/ring selection tools that come natively with thomthom's Quadfacetools...
Currently you have to do it manually, generating two sets of intermediate profiles (in both U and V directions) and merging it with the quadface surface.
Have you the Skp (V6) ?
@ivreich said:
How does one generate a lofted surface with only the diagonals soft/hidden? This is useful if you want to use the loop/ring selection tools that come natively with thomthom's Quadfacetools...
CurviLoft can generate Quad meshes for you if you just enable the option:
It generates smooth meshes though, so if you want the grid type you have in your screenshot you need to use QuadFace Tools to unsmooth the CurviLoft surface.
@rich o brien said:
Try watching this...
Ah IZ simply blown away by this..
I tried segmenting at the same corners, but it didn't work for me, and now I know why. But this and TT's explanation to Ivreich and Fredos "How-to" reply opened my eyes to why I found CL a bit unresponsive to many of my skinning attempts.
Simply a lack of a basic tutorial for Curviloft left me without the tools needed to use CL effectively.
Fredo, that really needs to be addressed.
CL is NOT a simple intuitive tool to use.
Fredo; That explanation really opened my eyes. I NEVER knew the toolbar functions were only active in "blackface". I thought they were presets, and that is why it never worked for me.
One question though, when you added the 4 breakpoints (as also shown by Rich) it skinned when you selected all. This object is an extract from a drawing that had lines emanating straight up/down from each point, effectively each being a breakpoint. Many times in the past, if I had an extraneous line or fragmet in the perimeter selection, CL would go RED and not skin till the line was removed. Yet here you show they are included. When I tried this with the original model (a sink base) selecting 4 lines as breakpoints, again nothing happened.
Here is a series of screenshots of what happened.
Overall view of the sink, with the problem area in the base highlighted.
Skin area removed to redo solution.
Perimeter only selected. No skinning.
Added 4 breakpoint lines to perimeter selection. Again, no skinning.
Selected 3 lines using CL Select, and
So now I know a whole lot more about Curviloft, but my question now is why did my selection of breakpoint lines NOT work, but worked for you, and not cause an error with CL
It depends on your settings in the button palette- the mode of selection (Follow <-->)
- the Break at Crossing button must be ON
The small segments must also be 'plain' edges.
Anyway, selecting each of the 3 or 4 contours is a good method too.
@unknownuser said:
I have always thhought that this piece was a part of a secret space rocket due the warning text inserted
I have always thought that this piece was a part of a secret space rocket due the warning text inserted
@unknownuser said:
I have always thought that this piece was a part of a secret space rocket due the warning text inserted
The sink goes in the rocket cabin.
And I thought I was being clever at hiding its purpose by just extracting the problem part.
i cant install... i followed the instruction.. i opened then extracted to plugin...
You have to give more than that for us to help you.
Go back and reread the instructions. Do you have administrative permission to install files into Plugins? Did you get LibFredo 4.6 and install it? Did you maintain the footprint of the files when installing it? What happens exactly when you try to install it? What happens exactly when you open SketchUp after installing it?
cant install libfredo... when i extract.. it says denied access.....
first i open it in winrar... then copy and paste libfredo6..rb and libfredo_dir_46 into googlesketchup plugin... then extract in winrar in the same location,,,, access denied -
You need to set up administrative rights to add files to the Plugins folder. This is one of the joys of Windows 7.