[Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
[mod=:nzf08c63]Thank you greatly[/mod:nzf08c63]
@azeemuddin said:
Hi everyone.
Can anyone help me for this problem with sketchup curviloft.Not sure where my first post went...
Having a similar problem on a mac (OS 10.5.8) running SU7. Here is are pictures of the error dialogue, the Plugins folder, and the first several entries in the libFredo6 folder.
Have you installed the latest versions of the RBZ files for the various Fredo Plugins and his LibFredo ?
Restart SketchUp after installation to ensure everything is getting meshed together properly...BUT...
I suspect that it's because although your profile lists SUp v8, your post says that are using SUp v7 which is the issue.
Even v8 is no longer supported by Trimble - there are many changes in the way Ruby code now works !Why haven't you upgraded to a newer version ?
More than one Sketchup version can be installed coexist on the same computer, and you can always save_as from v2017 into any earlier version compatible format...
@cadfather said:
Hi Fredo, Is there anyway to override the default settings in the toolbar? (even hardcoded!)
like this?
[attachment=0:1jid7v16]<!-- ia0 -->edition.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1jid7v16]
And while we are on the note of modifications, any chance for a tutorial on how to use this plug-in on our Linux based systems? I see that some of the libraries that it requires are already part of Linux but all instructions are reserved to Windows and Mac so far. I need to start creating new renders for http://promocodius.com/tr/magazalar/trendyol-indirim-kuponu soon to avoid fines for copyright reasons but if I will not be able to find a way of installing this plug-in on the office laptop, I will be restricted to the stupid old Inkscape and its plug-ins. Since you are all here, you should already know that the two bears no comparison...
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft v1.5b - 12 Aug 17
Curviloft 1.5b is required for the support of usernames with non-ascii characters in Sketchup 2017.
IMPORTANT: It requires LibFredo6 v7.7 or above.
See main post of this thread for Download.
@azeemuddin said:
Hi everyone.
Can anyone help me for this problem with sketchup curviloft.I had the same problem.
The solution is to reinstall the latest version of Curviloft or any other Fredo6 tools, but ONLY AFTER the latest LibFredo is installed.
Not working for me
(( comes up highlighting my shapes with numbers and then never shows the preview once I press enter. Could anyone help me out?
Thanks -
@swills said:
Not working for me
(( comes up highlighting my shapes with numbers and then never shows the preview once I press enter. Could anyone help me out?
ThanksUpload your model so we can see what you've got.
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft v1.6a - 13 Aug 17
Curviloft 1.6a is a maintenance release with the following additions:
- Support of usernames with non-ascii characters
- Certified for Sketchup 2017.
- Compatible with high-resolution screens (simulation below)
IMPORTANT: It requires LibFredo6 v7.7 or above.
See Plugin Page of Curviloft for Download (or use the Sketchup PluginStore plugin for auto-installation.
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft v1.6a - 13 Aug 17
This is Sunday. Don't you ever take a day off???
@jgb said:
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft v1.6a - 13 Aug 17
This is Sunday. Don't you ever take a day off???
Precisely, ...I work on the other days...
Please upload a SKP displaying this issue.
It need not be a big file, just the part with the problem... -
I recently started to have a problem with curviloft lofting along a path. When I choose the two shapes and path it doesnt work, the part outlines change color and nothing happens. This just started two days ago but I have been having issues for a while were it waits for a path to be made and never finishes. I could fix this by closing and reopening sketchup. I really dont know what is happening. I will post the file were im triying to loft the specific shape that just wont work.
@deezprez said:
I recently started to have a problem with curviloft lofting along a path. When I choose the two shapes and path it doesnt work, the part outlines change color and nothing happens. This just started two days ago but I have been having issues for a while were it waits for a path to be made and never finishes. I could fix this by closing and reopening sketchup. I really dont know what is happening. I will post the file were im triying to loft the specific shape that just wont work.
I expect it has to do with the small size of your geometry. SketchUp won't create the faces needed at the size of your model. Try scaling it up before running Curviloft. You can scale up and back down or use the method shown by Box here.
Part of your problem, and one that is difficult to control, is the number of segments in the top to bottom and left to right curves are not equal. Curviloft will create extra vertices on opposing curves to line up with vertices on the other side. Therefore you get extra segments on both sides.
You can minimize the problem if both opposing sides are true curves, not segmented lines, by making both curves contain the same number of segments. Select each curve and use Entity Info to adjust the number of segments.
But be aware, 3 sided perimeters will not loft smoothly to adjacent 4 side curves.
Your top drawing has a 3 sided perimeter (on the left) adjacent to a 4 sided perimeter, the way Curviloft will see it.Even after I do this, I still usually have a lot of cleaning up to do by pulling intersection end points in the mesh to adjacent intersections to reduce the close spaced curves and other errors that creep in.
But Curviloft does 95++% of the work.
Can't live without it.
Yes, tkanks, I'm aware that the numbers of segments should match. But actually my problem is different. I still don't know why I cannot UNDO (in the second case) and why I cannot MATCH VERTICES (in the first case). Looks like something's missing in the plugin's core, with all the respect to Fredo.
Could you post your model so that I have a look.
As far as I remember, I did not implement an UNDO for manual vertex matching.
Looks like you did but it doesn't always work
Because usually when I add a forced pair I can Undo last action. In some cases I cannot. Also, after cancelling all changes some of them don't cancel. All I do is adding forced pairs, nothing more. I cannot distinguish when I perform an operation which is impossible to undo.
SU file attached in the next post