[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
Thanks Fredo
Hello again
Where can I find this group of plugin : RoundCorner 2.1, GhostComp 1.0 and ToolsOnSurface 1.5
I would like to change my soft and I've seen your plugin
Dear Olivier,
you can find a collection of plugins here: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=10142
They are sorted in a way you should understand easily.
And you can also have a look at there: http://www.sketchucation.com/extensions-index/ -
Pas d'affichage. C'est juste une librairie de code Ruby commune a certains de mes scripts, le premier de cette famille etant FreeScale.
NEW VERSION 3.3a - 27 Aug 09
Needed for for RoundCorner 2.1, GhostComp 1.0 (and compatible for FredoScale and HoverSelect).
Small evolutions (some for Palettes), bug fixing, ...
see main post at http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947&p=144178#p144178 -
NEW VERSION 3.4a - 17 Sep 09
Needed for Tools On Surface v1.5 (and compatible for FredoScale, RoundCorner 2.1, GhostComp 1.0 and HoverSelect).
Small evolutions (mainly for Palettes), bug fixing, ...
see main post at http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947&p=144178#p144178 -
Fredo Tools alive and well on MacPro/Leopard (Tools on Surface, Round Corner, Joint Push-Pull)
[Upgrade 08 Oct 09] LibFredo6 3.4b
Complement of Plugin translation to Spanish by Gaonirico (previous was done by Pichuneke).
See main post at http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947#p144178 -
whwrw can I find (download libfredo6 3.3a or higher..?
@massimo said:
I have deleted LibFredo6_Dir_32 and, after a quick test, RoundCorner and FredoScale seem to work fine. Thanks.
Hi.. Can you tell me where can I find libfredo6 3.3a or higher..?
@massimo said:
Hi Simon, go to the bottom of the very first post of this thread. You will find something like this...(see below)
Thanks.. I've been doing that for the las 2 days hoping that I'll find something like that.
Thank you again..I'll try to install it right now and if I have any problems I'll wright to you again.. -
Update 20 Oct 09 - Documentation available in French, thanks to Jean-Franco.
See main post http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947#p144178
Great work! amazing just perfect. my best regards.
[Chinese version - 11 Nov 09 - 21:50 CET
Diweiman and the SuBAR_CLT team at SketchupBar have translated the script into Chinese.See main post at http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947&p=144178#p144178).
Is this compatible with windows 7? It doesn't show up in the folder once extracted...
works fine on my windows7. But I have the UAC diabled, maybe that makes a difference.... Think there was an issue on Vista where files some times ended up in a compatibility folder...
ok.. installed the Library to my new SU install and on starting SU I just get a load of Load Errors:
@unknownuser said:
Error Loading File D:/7500 Modeling Apps/Google/Google Sketchup 7/plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_34/lib6config/tb uninitalized constant Traductor::T6
etc etc (list goes on...)
Edit ok - found it was an issue with Smustards Plugin organiser.