[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.1a - 28 Feb 25
Have you installed the latest versions of all of Fredo's tools ?
Many many updates ago some of them were implicated in the old gray-out issue - by making multiple 'commands' each time they were used, but they were all fixed.
Also ensure your other tools are all up to date too - a few others had similar issues.
Although I know of no current versions of any tools that do this.
Also, are you using the latest SketchUp v8M4 ? A couple of SketchUp updates back it 'fixed' the old gray-out issue, by greatly increasing the number of 'commands' you can have loading.
Since that 'fix' there have been virtually no reports of a 'gray-out' happening.
So you must have many hundreds of Plugins loading at startup to aggravate it again ?
Perhaps adding this new tool has pushed you over this maximum new limit !
So it begs the question, why do you have so many tools loading every time you use SketchUp?
I suggest that you only load those 3rd party tools that you use regularly, and deactivate the more rarely used Extensions - you can always reactivate/deactivate them as and when you need them.
Some simple scripts aren't Extensions and probably don't make 'commands' anyway... other rarely used 'non-Extensions' that do create 'commands' can have their loader .rb file's file-type renamed - to say .rb! - and then they won't auto-load when SketchUp starts. Incidentally, you can always manually load any of these by typing into the Ruby Consoleload "xxxx.rb!"
- where 'xxxx' the a particular tool's file-name.Having fewer Plugins loading will also speed up the SketchUp startup sequence etc...
If none of the above applies please advise and we'll have to come up with some other ideas -
Hi guys, slightly off topic but any idea about this?
I haven't changed anything I know of, it used to work fine.Cheers, Baz.
PS: Great tip about putting help files in the DOCUMENTATION_Dir
Hi Thomthom, do you mean 'libfredo6.rb
PS: I don't seem to be getting notifications at the moment, so pls excuse.
No !
Get the whole and very latest LibFredo version, available from the first page and install it as directed.
The update fixes the issue you just reported, which is caused by the changes in the SCF setup a few weeks ago... -
Thanks Tig.
Thanks for these plugins!
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v4.7a - 28 Nov 12
LibFredo6 4.7a is a major release dedicated to Curvizard 1.1.
See main post of this thread for Download.
update translation...
Chinese language -
Hi Fredo,
This is the new translation for LibFredo6 Spanish (Spain) Language.
LibFredo6 Spanish Language (Spain) -
I just updated the LibFredo, FredoScale, and FredoTools. Looks like I did something wrong. I saw in br51 post at page 34 the same issue, I tried to fix it, following his post but It didn't work...
Any help
I'm a Mac user OSX 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion)
You seem to have resinstalled over a fresh SU version.
At least, you need to create the folder DEFPARAM_Dir manually (as indicated) because it cannot be done from the Ruby script for some security reasons.
Adjust your main 'plugins' folder security permissions to FULL [read/write] for ALL and have it trickle down to all contents, subfolders too...
Otherwise, you will forever be having issues installing tools into there, and also with some tools that need to write temp/log files, or to make their own subfolders etc in there... -
Yes I had expecting some SU issues, and the SU support advice me to reinstall.
After that I became to have installations problem that I hadn't before, but I follow all Fredo's and TIG advice and looks like it works...Thanks for all your support...
good plugin!!!! thank you !!! but it doesn't work in milimeters
@slocraftus said:
good plugin!!!! thank you !!! but it doesn't work in milimeters
What are you talking about? What doesn't work with millimeters? The LibFredo06 files are, as described in the first post of this thread, just a shared library used by other plugins. Is it one of those plugins that you are having trouble with? I'll bet any money all of Fredo's plugins work in millimeters.
yep now i ve changed settings instead of 50 cm 0.5mm. anyway thanks
What are you talking about ?
This is a 'Lib' thread which does nothing but help other tools work.
If you have an issue with one of the related tools post in that thread.
This is nonsense otherwise... -
@slocraftus said:
yep now i ve changed settings instead of 50 cm 0.5mm. anyway thanks
I think you refer to the offset value in RoundCorner.
As mentioned by TIG, this is not related to LibFredo6 itself.Fredo
This is not actually a comment on the latest LibFredo6, but more of a huge THANK YOU to Fredo6 and all of the people engaged in making the RB:s that are affiliated to Fredo6! You can tell there is a lot of work put into them.
These plugins are GREAT.
I think intermediate and advanced users of SU really have a lot of use for these plugins. Not only are the basic ideas for the functions very good but the code is also well written and the user friendliness is high.I work with architectural design and more free-form stuff and today I almost addicted to many of these RB:s by Fredo6.
(sorry for posting this here, I couldnยดt figure out how to send a message directly. Hope you see this)