[Plugin] Click2flip v1.0 20110928
i.e. when the array of faces is made they are by their 'id' e.g.
[#<Sketchup::Face:0x1182fad0>, #<Sketchup::Face:0x1182f9e0>, ...]
The splitting takes the 'id' code so the above list becomes
[0x1182fad0 0x1182f9e0 ...
You could of course just omit that column in the file as it does little of use... -
I was just wondering if there was some way of naming the faces. I was hoping to be able to assign the room name to the horizontal face ie the floor of the room. So when i copy the parameters returned by relazionefacce to a spreadsheet I would know what room the results refer to.
You could of course add an attribute to each face and later match the tabulated values to those, but it means manually adding them all - that's why I used the 'id' - but that only exists per session so isn't that useful later either...
When I code with attributes I usually add a time-stamp id as it's unique enough - if you have two attributes with the value 'office' only one might get found.
Tools like 'flattery' add a unique attribute code to every selected face and then use this in matching parts together later. You could do something similar - add an attribute to every selected face and use the attribute in your tabulated forms. You'd then need a second simple tool to 'find face by id' - it opens a dialog, you'd paste the attribute value from the tabulated data, and it finds the face by its attribute and then highlights that face for you...
Change 'FACCIA' to say 'ID'.
Modify the code thus...faces.each{|face| tid=(Time.now.to_f*1000).to_i face.set_attribute('BB','id',tid)if not face.get_attribute('BB','id',nil) ### if it already has an id it's kept... tid=face.get_attribute('BB','id',0) ### name=tid.to_s ### ...
Now write a new tool to find a face by id...
module TIG def self.findfacebyid() model=Sketchup.active_model ss=model.selection ss.clear results=inputbox(['ID; '],[0],'FindFaceByID') return nil unless results id=results[0].to_i model.active_entities.each{|e|ss.add(e)if e.get_attribute('BB','id',nil)==id} end end
Usage: type
or make a second menu item using it - follow the other menu item as a guide...
Copy+paste an id from the table into the dialog
The faces' IDs will persist across sessions provided the model is saved...
I used 'BB' as the attribute-library based on your initials, but you can use anything you want...
Just wanted to thank you for this great plug-in. It has already saved me a ton of time.
A wonderful plugin! thank you TIG!I think TIG-flipBacks.rb is much more easier than other face reversers until now~
it's great to have a lot of choice thanks TIG, personally i prefer this one FrontFace1-2 : http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=13380
@3dsmax9 said:
it's great to have a lot of choice thanks TIG, personally i prefer this one FrontFace1-2 : http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=13380
haha! I'm using frontface and Click2flip, they have different feature~ I appreciate the amazing performance of the former, while the latter is faster when I have so many small faces to reverse at once!
hi tig,
i am not a programmer, but as flipped faces always happen in skp and in complicated structures it is sometimes difficult to select them one after another, i had a following idea for this script-
could it flip ALL SELECTED faces at once (of course with your "automatic" identificaton?
could it become an option :
make all front / make all back / make all faces the side, which is "higher" represented (sorry for this english....means with 100 faces, when 3 are back and the rest is front, it would make all front and vice versa)
by that i could double-click & select all connected faces and define all at once
thanx stan
Isn't a pair of shortcut-keys, to 'Reverse' and 'Orient' to match the just reversed face, going to do most of this ?
@tig said:
Isn't a pair of shortcut-keys, to 'Reverse' and 'Orient' to match the just reversed face, going to do most of this ?
yes, you're right. maybe for selection (if there is any) or all elements.
so this 'make positive/negative' feature would be great and a real time-saver.
regards stan -
Wow, magical!
looked for something like this way back and didn't find.
only issue is that the automatic decision making stress me out. on complex models it might flip the right one facing to me, but also another that should be facing in another direction and I didn't even notice...
can you add an option using the same concept to just label all the wrong facing faces - allowing more precise decision making?
You might find it useful to set the back face color to something more easily discernible. I use a green I'd never use in the model as a color/texture.
@dave r said:
You might find it useful to set the back face color to something more easily discernible. I use a green I'd never use in the model as a color/texture.
Yes - that's a generally good idea but since sometimes you have materials on the back side you need to go monochrome and back too see whats going on.. anyway since this plugin already exist - adding a label option will add great usability if possible..
great and simple tool, would be super-fab if able to flip curved faces as well!
...i thought combining the 2 bits of code above might do the trick:
1, click2flip
2, flip selectionthe idea being that if i click on a curved face, i'm also selecting it and therefore running the 2nd script might reverse the whole curved face, say a cylinder. (ideally i thought it could be toggled by pressing an accelerator key) a fair bit beyond my christmas powers... surely possible though..?
class TIG;;Click2flip @@BEEP=false def initialize() @ip = nil @ip1 = nil end def activate() @ip = Sketchup;;InputPoint.new @ip1 = Sketchup;;InputPoint.new @msg="Click back of face to flip it..." self.reset() end def deactivate(view) view.invalidate end def onCancel(flag, view) view.invalidate Sketchup.send_action("selectSelectionTool;") return nil end def resume(view) Sketchup;;set_status_text(@msg, SB_PROMPT) end def reset() Sketchup;;set_status_text(@msg, SB_PROMPT) end def onMouseMove(flags, x, y, view) @ip.pick(view, x, y) if @ip != @ip1 view.invalidate if @ip.display? or @ip1.display? @ip1.copy!(@ip) view.tooltip = @ip1.tooltip end end def onLButtonDown(flags, x, y, view) if @ip1.valid? @pt=@ip1.position ph = view.pick_helper ph.do_pick(x,y) @face = ph.picked_face self.flipper() if @face end end def flipper() normal=@face.normal vector=@pt.vector_to(Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.eye) angle=normal.angle_between(vector) if angle > 90.degrees @face.reverse! UI.beep if @@BEEP end#if end end#class
def self.flipBacks() model=Sketchup.active_model eye=model.active_view.camera.eye faces=[] Sketchup.active_model.selection.each{|e|faces << e if e.class==Sketchup;;Face} return nil unless faces[0] model.start_operation("Flip Selected Back Faces...") faces.each{|face| normal=face.normal vector=face.bounds.center.vector_to(eye) angle=normal.angle_between(vector) face.reverse! if angle > 90.degrees } model.commit_operation end
EDIT: actually just noticed the second script only flips half a cylinder (the side to the screen), the back remains undone.