Something like "follow me" tool is needed
Ps Anf for your beginning post I know a ruby coder who is making a ruby one so be patient
Better if you save also the skp file
Like that I have not to modelize something!Seems works for me!
I make the line to tube
Kill the line generator
Explode the tube volume
Group itand all works fine
Ok I have found the problem
When you click your object (the curvated volume) and call the Info box model info..., that is not a "solid"!!!
so that can't work!So make it as solid and all will work as a charm!
explode all, kill the middle ring, explode curve, kill the curve generator, make a group
= you must have a clean solid!
all works fine
Well spotted Pilou !
A 'solid' is necessary for doing boolean operations.
A solid contains only faces and edges.
Every edge must have two faces.
No fewer and no more.The 'tube' group as made still has the curve curve snaking up its center - edges with NO faces.
It also seem to have a central disk partition - edges with three faces !I prefer an even simpler way of fixing this.
Edit the group, Xray mode and then pick the internal curves edges and Delete key.
Similarly with the 'disk'.
Now 'Entity Info' should report the selected group as being a 'solid'... -
...and an infinite new world is opening for you!
Thx guys for Your advices, it work with low angle lines. But it start to get problems when the curve its much biger, because when I use Arc to make a shepe, next line2tube I got a lot of gapes in the joints. I dont Know how to fix them, so I made second try with other shape maker, I used Cornu Spline from Curve Maker, the line2tubes, clean all internal curves and 'disks', and 'Entity Info' report me that the selected group as being not a 'solid', just
group 1 in model
Try Profile Builder !
With the free version you can't draw your own profile, but there are always tons inside!
I have tried it before, great tool, but it doesnt work for me with OSCoolean. All the time the same problem, I couldnt make
form, its all the time (Group 1 in model) in Entity info and I dont know what happening...
@banan666 said:
I have tried it before, great tool, but it doesnt work for me with OSCoolean. All the time the same problem, I couldnt make
form, its all the time (Group 1 in model) in Entity info and I dont know what happening...You just have to close the two ends...
You can also use '
' [free script from] on preselected connected arcs etc into one 'curve' before using a tool, to avoid separate parts getting made... -
Or Recurve by Diggsey
A little way back you said in your reply: "next line2tube I got a lot of gapes in the joints. I dont Know how to fix them, so I made second try with other shape maker," Lines2tubes is an excellent script, but it will make segments of the tubes, and sometimes you want that. TIG's TubeAlongPath, or even PipeAlongPath makes smooth results. Just a thought.
Great, thank You very much Pilou for the amazing tutorials, I will try to make it tomorrow, because today I had problem with my PC, my hard disk was broken so I have to buy new one, then install windows and all the rest stuff.
Im thinking all the time about this panel.Now I now how to make pipe witch have the same width all the way, but how to change width, and depth at the same time. Like on the picture above, for example.
@banan666 said:
Im thinking all the time about this panel.
Now I now how to make pipe witch have the same width all the way, but how to change width, and depth at the same time. Like on the picture above, for example.
ve been try to use the OSCoolean tool and Substract from Solid tools but I
ve all the time some strange errors. OSCoolean give me "erroe of the intersect with" and some numbers, 21,2 etc. Substract from Solid its the same. When I made one line its ok, but the I want to take another one its not working beacause firt use change the model, and its not SOLID.
Before a dedicated plugin "Follow me Multiple" who is quasi terminated
here a workflow for one of your imageYou will must use twice the Menu Window / Ruby console
Image 1 : Select all the Protrude's faces : Protrude by Jim Foltz
and input the text folling inside the Ruby Console for transform each faces on components
Must be on only one line (use the Notepad for verify)
Press Enter (Thx TIG) - Press the Select All, Right Click and copy past on your Ruby Consolem=Sketchup.active_model;n=m.active_entities;m.selection.to_a.each{|e|(g=n.add_group(e);"Face#1")if e.class==Sketchup;;Face}
Image 2
Give a thickness to the components selection
(again the text following must be on one line in the Ruby COnsole)
Press Enter (Thx Sdmitch) -Press the Select All, Right Click and copy past on your Ruby Consolemod=Sketchup.active_model;sel=mod.selection;sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|c| c.definition.entities.each{|f|(f.pushpull -1;break) if f.class==Sketchup;;Face}}
Image 3
Make any component volume that you want
Select all the "faces components"
And Call the Component Dropper by Thomthom
Just click your module made has you wantThat all!
Ps You can scale on x,y,z before or / and after the "Components Dropper"
And on image 2 you can put a randomly thickness! THX Sdmitch
Just use this line against the above
You replace "100" by any number you want! (rand*100)mod=Sketchup.active_model;sel=mod.selection;sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|c| c.definition.entities.each{|f|(f.pushpull -(rand*100);break) if f.class==Sketchup;;Face}}
THX Sdmitch!