Testing Vray, need visopts
Thanks guys, I feel like such a noob again, after almost three years of not using an app one completely forgets how it works.
I am trying to get the render crisp and I have no clue where to tweak that.I forgot how many options, buttons, values, etc need tweaking and the terminology I never get to use with other render apps, Vray certainly is not a beginner friendly app.
I'm going to need to burn some midnight oils watching all the tutorials online. -
@solo said:
I'm going to need to burn some midnight oils watching all the tutorials online.
Lynda's got one that looks good. And no, it's not a beginner friendly app. I've been using it for years, though off and on, and I'd not consider myself an expert by any means. It is amazingly powerful, though.
@solo said:
I am trying to get the render crisp and I have no clue where to tweak that.
If you post pics of you settings, someone might be able to help you out.
@andybot said:
@Tom - why do you have such a high value for the LC pass? Do you find it makes enough of a difference to be worth the extra time?
One word: neurosis.
Nomer has some here too + lot's more V-Ray content Sketchup V-Ray Recources
@loco said:
Nomer has some here too + lot's more V-Ray content Sketchup V-Ray Recources
I would be careful with older visopts (for example that old set from asgvis) as they generally don't work correctly in the current version.
Hello Pete! Here is a good one (by Fernando) where he's doing something that I find myself doing it often lately, and that is, starting with default settings. The most important trick I've learned from this, is to make use of the skylight (no sunlight mapped in that slot) instead of putting rectangular lights in the windows. In this way, you don't have to deal with artefacts from the lights, subdivisions etc. His final render looks impressive.
Here is the tutorial, it's only 10 minutes long:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCIngKllJnk&list=FLiETg2Y2_Rbm0MbNiljVpqg&index=1&feature=plpp_video -
Here is another one:
"Fernando Rentas explains how to use the sun in combination with HDRI to illuminate an exterior scene and produce sharp shadows from the sun in this video tutorial."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3-TxEzW4sQ&feature=BFa&list=SPE2F8B612F375E98E -
@Tom, (oops, I had some hidden lights I left on that messed up the comparison, I edited this post.) For comparison, I use higher hsph subdivs in my irradiance map, and add GI lighting to increase the illumination through the windows. Something odd happening with your AA sampler selection, see the fringing?
Here is a comparison:
@andybot said:
Something odd happening with your AA sampler selection, see the fringing?
Yeah, I do. Odd, indeed. That's not happened to me yet. Must've erred somewhere. Biased render apps and their gazillion settings!
@andybot said:
(...) GI lighting to increase the illumination through the windows.
What do you mean? Portals?
@unknownuser said:
@andybot said:
Something odd happening with your AA sampler selection, see the fringing?
If I had a penny every time I said this: " check clamp output and sub-pixel mapping" , those are white values, bigger then 255. V-ray just doesn't know how to represent them.
What do you say guys, Pete has resigned ? -
@stefanq said:
If I had a penny every time I said this: " check clamp output and sub-pixel mapping"
Weird. I've rendered with both unchecked without problems -or so I think. I should delve into this as soon as I get my new machine.
@stefanq said:
@unknownuser said:
@andybot said:
Something odd happening with your AA sampler selection, see the fringing?
If I had a penny every time I said this: " check clamp output and sub-pixel mapping" , those are white values, bigger then 255. V-ray just doesn't know how to represent them.
Exactly right! Thanks Stefan - I didn't think to check that. Here it is with both checked.
@unknownuser said:
andybot wrote:
(...) GI lighting to increase the illumination through the windows.What do you mean? Portals?
Tom - I changed the GI from sky texture to none, and increased the multiplier to 4.5. I also decreased the sun intensity to get less harsh shadows where you do see the sun in the interior.
@unknownuser said:
Pete has resigned ?
Nope, watching y'all discuss stuff, quietly carring on on my side.
Thanks for all the links guys.
I hope you get up to speed in time for beta to start. The next version has a bit more pep in it's step.
@dkendig said:
I hope you get up to speed in time for beta to start. The next version has a bit more pep in it's step.
good news
@stefanq said:
If I had a penny every time I said this: " check clamp output and sub-pixel mapping" , those are white values, bigger then 255. V-ray just doesn't know how to represent them.
What do you say guys, Pete has resigned ?It's our puny screens rather - if you want to use higher bitdepth for post editing you cannot use the clamp feature. But you'll get the full range of light data.
actually, it was just the sub-pixel mapping that was needed. It renders fine with clamping off. Good point about not clamping output - even if you don't save to HDR, you can't use the levels adjustment in the vfb if something is blown-out.
@dkendig said:
I hope you get up to speed in time for beta to start. The next version has a bit more pep in it's step.
I'll believe it when I see it!
@andybot said:
I'll believe it when I see it!
I've seen it - and I want it!
eyeballs Devin's computer
i use this visop before.. good for sunlight from the outside then coming to the room