Metal Spiral Stairs - how to do it?
In Drawhelix, "Pitch" is the total height of the helix while "Sections per" will refer to the segment count it will use per turn (in that screenshot 5 turns).
So say if you want to combine it with a "regular" circle base, which has 24 segments all around, leave it at 24 in the plugin, too.
Hi Edson, Hi everybody,
And why not use COMPONENT STRINGER ?
It is very powerful and flexible. >> Once the component is distributed along the path, you can open it and work on it in order to change the all stair in one pass: for example build and join the ribbons to make a complete one
(I understand myself
maybe a simple method with draw helixand follow me and keep. However, I do not know yet how to make the transition to the next floor!
@edson said:
the parameters in curvemaker are obscure: what are from turns, to turns, sides/turn?
from turns to turns has to do with the origin parameter.. if you have the origin set at 0,0,0 then set from turn at 2 and to turn at 3.. the helix will end up being one full revolution starting above the actual origin (ie, it will be as if two revolutions were made but only the top revolution will be drawn)
for simplicity sake (or the way i use it).. if you want one rotation, set it from turn 0 to turn 1.. if you want 1 1/2 turns then go from 0 to 1.5.. 3 revolutions = from 0 to 3 etc... then move the helix into the location you want..
sides/turn simply means how many line segments you want the helix to be drawn with per 1 revolution.. same thing as drawing a circle in SU - default is 24 sides/turn but you can change it to whatever you like.
@d12dozr said:
Jeff's method is great, and could save a step and some cleanup by using TIG's EE by Vector to pull the helix up vertically. So you would:
-Draw helix with Curve Maker
-Extrude helix vertically with EE by Vector
-use JPP to give it thicknessoh yeah, that's way better..
Hi Edson
Easy to build a circular stair using 2 Olde scripts.
draw helix and spiral stair.
Both available on Didier's site.
(seems to be off line now)
Just to make sure here is the all script zip file and quick tut on how to build.
Use the handrail path (followMe and Keep) to extrude handrail shape or to create walls along the stair.
For floor to floor just copy and move up/down as needed.Thanks for jogging my memory on this too.
At the end it should look like that. Still without stairs. Any Idea how to complete it with steps?
thanks to all of you for your contributions. there is now more than one method to solve this problem.
before checking here i found another way of doing it precisely with the stair tool of 1001bit tools (excellent set of plugins, by the way). i attached a tutorial explaining how i did it.
Here's another way - entirely by hand - without Plugins [from a Plugin-fiend]
beautiful, TIG. it shows once more the power of sketchup. but nonetheless i will tell as a friend: plugins can make your life much easier! there are some people in this forum who make wonderful plugins...
@edson said:
beautiful, TIG. it shows once more the power of sketchup. but nonetheless i will tell as a friend: plugins can make your life much easier! there are some people in this forum who make wonderful plugins...
Maybe I should try some ....
FollowMeand keep with Grow could be the ideal solution.
I deliberately avoided mentioning my Grow tool as I was trying to show it all 'long-hand'...
shure you can help me to solve a small problem with Grow. How can i manage that the Center of the Grow object meets a individual axe.
Thanks in advance
Manipulate the component's axis and its location relative to the 'growth' point....
The final result with FollowMeandKeep and Grow.
You guys are great, hope I can find this post if I ever do a spiral stairs in SU.
No offense to all you spiral stair makers but the wide stairs that you show with winders coming to a narrow point would be very dangerous (especially in descent). I would suggest a bigger inside hole or solid radius to assure a minimum tread depth. That's why typical library or residential stairs are quite narrow in width so as to keep a person in the middle of the tread with proper depth for the foot. Such wide stairs with point winders would be prohibited by code in the US, even for non-egress stairs in commercial stuctures.
But if you put a traffic dividing handrail right down the middle, then make the inside lane flat and smooth, you could have a really nice safe up half with wide treads, and a nice spiral slide down lane.
do you know this mythical thread?