@hsrhdrehre5654654 said:
Also, in my case, i need to use Artisan instead of SubD because with SubD i keep getting invisible "edges touching more than two faces" and it wont let me to subd.
With Artisan, smooth as hell. So i will say that Artisan is more flexible when dealing with geometry. I just needed to discard subd because it was making me to waste even more time, instead of the opposite..
Been there! Here's what happens - sometimes you repeat edges to close some gaps and a new face overlaps the already existing one next to the gap(sorry, I'm on another PC so I can't show an example). So you get the old face, the overlapping one on top of it and the closed gap next to them - all in all 3 faces. That's a problem that always needs fixing. I can remember having issues with it even with Artisan and Loop. I'd also guess rendering would be a pain in the rear end