Dear Pilou,
Many thanks for the helpful reply, and my apologies for this late acknowledgement. I haven't been logging into SketchUcation much lately.
Kind regards,
Dear Pilou,
Many thanks for the helpful reply, and my apologies for this late acknowledgement. I haven't been logging into SketchUcation much lately.
Kind regards,
Dear Tig,
Would it be possible to make a new menu item - Set Datum. Selecting the first point would make that the datum with all other points selected measured relative to that point. I know I can do that manually by entering the new datum values into the setup menu (e.g. -100,-100 -100 for a new datum at 100,100,100, but it would remove a step or two (using Utility's query too, writing down the values, entering the data)
Many thanks,
What code should I enter in the Ruby Console to find the angle between a line and a plane? I know that ang_betwen_lines is what one uses for the angle between two lines. Is there a plugin for making these sorts of measurements: between lines, between planes and between lines and planes?
Many thanks for all the help.
Kind regards,
Dear Andybot.
I'm concerned that uninstalling 2015 Pro might screw up my recent installation of 2016 Pro. It depends on what they share in the registry. I think I need to consult with the retailer before doing anything rash.
Kind regards,
Dear Andybot,
What I should like to to do is run the Make (free version) of 2015 alongside the Pro version of 2016. Is this possible, or is it the case that once you have installed the Pro version you cannot then revert to the Make version. You used to be be able to do that with all versions 2014 and before.
Kind regards,
My academic license for 2015 has just expired and the start-up page is now shutting me out and telling me to 'go get a new license'. I don't want to do this as I've just bought an academic license for 2016, which I have just installed. However, I should like to continue using 2015 in parallel with 2016 as I prefer the UI.
From where can I download Sketchup Make 2015? I have looked on the Trimble website and cannot find the link to previous version downloads.
Do I need to uninstall Sketchup Pro 2015 first before installing Sketchup Make 2015? I have read on the web that even after uninstalling the Pro version stuff is left in the registry that makes your computer think that you have reinstalled the Pro version and one is back to 'go get a license'. Life was so much simpler pre 2014 when the Pro version would automatically revert to the free version without all this hassle.
Dear Nick,
I am not an architect and so this might be a dumb question, but is your book centred on American standards or would a UK/European architect find this book useful too. If essentially written for the American market, do you plan to publish a companion book that would meet the needs of UK/European architects with respect to standards, symbols etc. People are so busy these days that they want to hit the floor running when trying something new.
Kind regards,
Lots of technical papers on line. For example:
In my humble opinion the design would be greatly improved by losing the bit on top. If you think you might need extra space then a simple hardwood pull-out panel at the top should suffice. It would also make a nice feature. Perhaps something like this
If one downloads the Pro version one gets an 8 hour free trial period. At the end of those 8 hours one has the option to either buy a license OR revert to the free version.
If one buys an academic, 1 year license, which I did, one is not given the option to revert to the free version when the license expires, which is pretty bloody irritating.
Can someone do something about this as it isn't consistent and just doesn't make sense.
A video tutorial showing how best to make use of this plugin would be useful.
Many thanks for all your hard work, and your generosity.
Kind regards,
I think the UK could solve its housing problems by moving to a pre-fabricated housing solution, and without a loss of quality and longevity. It would also complement the lower skill set found amonsgt UK bulders, a consequence of abandoning the scheme of construction apprenticeships.
Ground settlement and subsidence would be less of an issue for a 3 storey house than for a 57 storey apartment block. Presumably the off-site cast concrete parts have gone through their 28 cure cycle and so the 19 days claim belies the time taken to fabricate the kit of parts. Even so, it is an efficient and impressive method of construction.
I recently learned that such a condition actual exists and affects approximatley 1 in 5 million men. It is called diphallia
The chap interviewed in the BBC article does indeed sound like someone one shouldn't trust, at least from the point of view of fidelity, and so perhaps the grafitti was based on experience.
Dear All,
I have been sent an .stl file which I would like to open in Sketchup. I know there are a few importers around, but one is consideredbest, or is it all relative?
I seem to remember an application which came with a toolbar and various inspection tools to see if the model was 'water tight'. I believe that had an .stl importer.
Kind regards,
This UK based publication frequently reviews the latest hardware for 3D modelling and rendering. Just register and then download. UK subscribers can get free copies through the post. The publication should be of interest to those involved with product design and engineering.
DEVELOP3D explores how leading product design and engineering firms get the most out of the latest technologies, like CAD, 3D Printing, VR, AR, 3D Scanning
Kind regards,
Look here for advice
DEVELOP3D explores how leading product design and engineering firms get the most out of the latest technologies, like CAD, 3D Printing, VR, AR, 3D Scanning
The magazine reviews new computers for 3D modelling and rendering.
A small point, but it might be a good idea to remove some of the information in the title box. Your clients might not be very happy to have their property identified in such detail, or am I just being paranoid!
Kind regards,