Reinstalling SU 2015
My academic license for 2015 has just expired and the start-up page is now shutting me out and telling me to 'go get a new license'. I don't want to do this as I've just bought an academic license for 2016, which I have just installed. However, I should like to continue using 2015 in parallel with 2016 as I prefer the UI.
From where can I download Sketchup Make 2015? I have looked on the Trimble website and cannot find the link to previous version downloads.
Do I need to uninstall Sketchup Pro 2015 first before installing Sketchup Make 2015? I have read on the web that even after uninstalling the Pro version stuff is left in the registry that makes your computer think that you have reinstalled the Pro version and one is back to 'go get a license'. Life was so much simpler pre 2014 when the Pro version would automatically revert to the free version without all this hassle.
Bob -
I ran something similar recently. After some computer hardware changes, I tried to reinstall 2015. after contacting support, I found out Trimble does not allow you to run 2015 pro alongside 2016 pro. Seems it must be the case for all licenses.
Dear Andybot,
What I should like to to do is run the Make (free version) of 2015 alongside the Pro version of 2016. Is this possible, or is it the case that once you have installed the Pro version you cannot then revert to the Make version. You used to be be able to do that with all versions 2014 and before.
Kind regards,
Bob -
I believe you need to uninstall Pro and get the separate installer for Make.
Dear Andybot.
I'm concerned that uninstalling 2015 Pro might screw up my recent installation of 2016 Pro. It depends on what they share in the registry. I think I need to consult with the retailer before doing anything rash.
Kind regards,
Bob -
It shouldn't, they don't share anything that would screw up the other. I uninstalled 2015 without any issues to 2016.
• SketchUp Make 2015-EN x64 - Windows 7/8 (EXE)
• SketchUp Make 2015-EN x32 - Windows 7/8 (EXE)
• SketchUp Make 2015-EN - Mac OS X v10.8/9/10 (DMG) -
Many thanks for all the help.
Kind regards,