Thanks for the suggestion
Sorry, what i meant was that i want to highlight a group of scenes and the apply a paticular style to that group.
Thanks for the suggestion
Sorry, what i meant was that i want to highlight a group of scenes and the apply a paticular style to that group.
Great Tut
Lets all hug
I would like to be able to apply a style to a scence or group of scenes without have to go to each one and waste time waiting for each scene to load.
I'm creating a seating component to use (and share) but there is some issue with deleting lines. When I delete one of the lines that aren't required, it becomes a profile thickness line and won’t delete unless I delete the face it is on and then it will delete.
There are three components in it as it is a wooden seat with cham corners but it happens on most if not most of the lines!
It’s getting frustrating and I would like to know if it happens on your machines as well.
PS I have solved the problem (Thanks to Jackson) but it could be a bug that needs sorting.
Thanks very much i'll try and post some images in the gallery
Where can i find this exporter, coz i've only got the generic exporter
I'm in the uk. Maybe i should change my profile to say UK?
Reversing the face isn't the problem, its remembering to do it before exporting to KT.
I can have some real Malteser Moments sometimes
I'm still getting to grips with it. Having the faces the right way still gets me everytime.
Thanx Jackson
I thought i was going mad. Phew problem solved
On the Google tutorial for the hinged door there is a red button which doesn't appear on my toolbar. Sorry to be a pain in the ass.
I don't seem to have the record buttons. to record animation that everyone else has
I seem to be missing some buttons on the Sketchy Physics toolbars
I unzipped the files into the plugins folder.
Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?
Many Thanks