There's an error on DarkGDK for Visual C++ after I installed and configured correctly. View the attachment for error log.
Dark GDK Error
RE: A Puppet Tool
And if you are moving the arm, the hands and parts after the arm will be moved as well.
Anime CG Questions
How to render an anime-like CG scenes with Plugin?
I am also looking for a tutorial of drawing anime CG art with Photoshop. -
There is a problem with my Windows Vista, There is a hidden folder that is only viewable with WinZip in the %UserProfile%_ directory.(%UserProfile% redirects to the user's folder) There are full of ZIPs of fake pirated software/movie (over 20000 entries!) but they are VIRUSES, they are just serval KB. A Setup.exe is in every ZIPs. I deleted them and used File Sherrder but they still come back after serval days. Wher I user the latest Norton Internet Security to scan them, it said no virus, but when I user Live OneCare online Safety Scanner(, over 20000 viruses are detected! There is nothing special other that performance decreased, I dont know how did they came out and HELP!!!
RE: Error msg
IRender Pics
I've rendered some models, Some are made by myself, some are from 3D Warehouse
RE: Selection boxes and inference engine bug
There may be bugs in Windows Vista, disable OpenGL or update your driver
SU7 Wish Lists
- In SU7, Add Most Useful FREE plug-ins from all over the Internet IN the Program, so we don't need to find them again.(in other word, the plugins are COME with the program)
- Add More Premade Styles, Materials, Templates, Components, and more.
- GIF Support, or Animated Texture Maker support.
- The Style settings includes Color by Darker Material Color edges, means if the material color is red (255,0,0), the edges will be Dark Red (128,0,0) A shared edge will be a dark mixed color. (example, left face: Red (255,0,0) right face: Yellow(255,255,0) The Edge: Brown (128,64,0) Because that style appeared in some drawings and video game/computer UI graphics
- NURBS Support
- More Freehand Tools setting such as , Smoothness, Magnetic (snap to the image's color boundary, think about Magnetic Lasso Tool in Photoshop)
- Cube/sphere/poly Selection tool (type X, Y, Z of selection area or use inferencing engine)not the traditional "what-appeared-on-screen" Selection tool.
- LIGHTING, Support it please!!
- Material Reflection/Bump mapping/Normals Mapping, and LIGHTING!!
My Logo
My Logo is animated, if animated GIF is not allowed, I'll post Non Animated Soon
- The Non-Animated one
Texture Questions( (m) icon dialog boxes)
Can you tell me what does all the texture types mean? and tell me the details of the options
RE: Depth Maps from SU
VRay has Displacement and Bump maps. -
RE: Lighting Plugin for Sketchup
just make a bright yellow/white cone/cylinder of light. It is used in some video games.
RE: Open GL Problem
I updated Windows then the driver was updated sucessfully. It was fixed.
Grid on Ground
Can you make a grid on the ground? and the grid can be a point of color-coded feedback. The size of square is depend on the unit of the model. Unlike Ruby script 3D Grid, the grid is infinity-extended.
RE: Gif support
But you can create animatation maker for SketchUp texture
Open GL Problem
After my computer restored to factory default, my openGL does not work properly, The Google SketchUp 6 displayed like wireframe even I did not turn wireframe on. This must be graphic card problem. I am using Windows Vista Home Basic. Acer Aspire 3680-2354. Can you tell me how to fix it??