You are correct that SketchUp's shortcuts system does not support key sequences such as LL or LLL (or LRL). There are multiple problems with attempting to do such a thing via an extension. For starters, the only API by which to gather keyboard input from the user is part of the Tool protocol. So you would have to have a special Tool active at all times to even be able to detect a key sequence. SketchUp's UI is tool-based. A shortcut or menu item activates a Tool that you then apply to make changes to the model. But activating a Tool - say the rectangle Tool - would deactivate the one you had watching for key sequences! It is possible in ACAD because ACAD is command-based, not tool-based. That is a fundamental enough difference that I doubt such an extension is possible in SketchUp.
RE: Looking for Command Alias Editor Plugin.
RE: Show model image in finder (MacOS)
The Mac previews are presented by a thing called a QuickLook Generator (QLG). SketchUp started including its own QLG only a few versions ago. It's not clear that it is fully stable - I too sometimes see the generic icon instead of a preview.
@Euadorian what kind of problem with Audacity are you seeing? If it is being rejected as 32-bit, you need to update to the latest release (2.3.2) which is 64-bit. However, there is known issue with access to certain input devices such as the microphone. They are looking into it. See this link for a temporary workaround:
RE: Parts list
It's been a while since I tried OpenCutList, so I could be wrong. My recollection is that it, like several other cutlist extensions I've tried, requires you to add some extra attributes to each object, for example to tell it which way is the long axis of each board. Steve R's CutList needs no extra attributes or setup and I like that simplicity. It makes the assumption that the largest dimension is length, next largest is width, and smallest is thickness. That isn't always right but I don't find that to be a problem for my work. I prefer to organize the actual cutting of the boards based on grain, coloration, and flaws in the boards anyway, which requires me to think about which way they go.
RE: Making a shed roof with a diagonal slope
Box's answer is right if the four corners are to be at specified arbitrary heights that cannot be assured to be coplanar. On the other hand, shawb is right if you want a planar but skew-tilted roof. In that case you can arbitrarily choose heights for three corners but then the fourth has to match the plane defined by their triangle.
RE: Additional geometry.
@mike amos said:
the subject is the additional geometry sketchup is known to produce.
Please describe under what circumstances SketchUp produces additional geometry. That hasn't happened to me, so I don't know what you are referring to.
RE: Sketchup offset corner Loop irregularity
Just for the record, there were indeed bugs in the offset tool in previous versions of SketchUp. They are much improved in SketchUp 2019.
Edge color by axis as a built-in tolerance that will accept edges slightly off axis. Sometimes, as here, edges that are close enough for it to color are off by minute amounts that can mess up other operations. One would have hoped SketchUp could be more consistent, but evidently that's harder than it sounds!
RE: The difference between Sketchup APIs
@modar said:
I am in my first days with Sketchup. I had an experience in Revit API but here in Sketchup I found APIs in Ruby, C, Visual Basic, C++ and C#
I searched a lot to detect the difference between them but no luck.
Can you please help.
The SketchUp Ruby API is embedded in the app itself for live action on the model. It is the main technique for implementing extensions (aka plugins).
The SketchUp C SDK is a separate library for creating standalone applications that can manipulate a SketchUp file outside of SketchUp itself and also for creating importers/exporters for other file formats.
The SketchUp C++ SDK is similar to the C SDK but is now being deprecated.
None of the other language bindings you list are officially supported by SketchUp.
RE: U Place Text Tool on a Line And Get the Dreaded 'Enter text'
The location of the hot-spot can vary from cursor to cursor, though it is most often at the lower left. In the specific case of the text tool, it is at the tip of the little arrow from the box labelled "A1" in the cursor. You need to place that arrow tip right over the dot in the middle of an endpoint inference marker to be sure that you will get a "leader text" anchored to that point (and automatically filled with its coordinates) rather than a "screen text" anchored to the display (initially saying "user text"). Yes, it can be fussy to hit that spot accurately, and all of us sometimes have to try again to get leader text instead of screen text.
RE: U Place Text Tool on a Line And Get the Dreaded 'Enter text'
The display screen is a raster made up of pixels. Likewise, the cursor is displayed as a raster icon made up of pixels. One of the pixels in the cursor (typically lower left) is designated as its "hot spot". You select by placing the cursor over a target in the model and then clicking the mouse.
But that selection action takes place on the user's display, where the continuous model contents are rendered as finite pixels each of which, depending on zoom, can represent a variable amount of model space. So, SketchUp needs a way to decide whether something in the model was meant to be under the hot-spot when you clicked. To allow for human ability to place the cursor exactly and also for the finite pixels of the display, SketchUp has a small window or aperture around the cursor's hot-spot in which it looks for something you might have meant to select. When it finds such content, the pick "snaps" to its location. There is no way to view or modify this aperture via the GUI.
In many tools, the green highlight on an inference point means that is where the pick point will snap when you click. On the text tool, this is not the case and since you can't see the aperture you have to be extra careful where you click.
RE: U Place Text Tool on a Line And Get the Dreaded 'Enter text'
It's a subtle aspect of the text label tool, arguably a bug. The inference engine detects an endpoint near the cursor and highlights it green with tooltip, telling you that point is being used for inference. But the text label tool doesn't actually anchor to that endpoint unless it is within the invisible "capture aperture" of the cursor! This can indeed be a frustrating and seemingly erratic behavior!
RE: Pasting into the ruby console
C2 A0 is the unicode for non-breaking space (html nbsp), so this looks like an issue with how this character is being handled by the various apps.
RE: The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
@pilou said:
I don't know why that works not with N*D or N+D or N-D
It works with N/D as a side effect of supporting fractional inches. Though it's a common request, the measurement box doesn't support arithmetic and doesn't really understand division other than integer ratios.
RE: Help with scale tool please
@danna said:
No ... rafters should not be closer, I would want them to stay at 24" spacing.
Scale affects everything proportionally, so if you scale the model by 0.75 the rafters will then have 18" spacing. To preserve spacing you will have to use a different tool (e.g. FredoScale Box Stretching) or redraw them.
RE: Extension Menu Customization
@pbacot said:
I think that extension would be the Sketchucation Extension Manager.No?
No. It lets you selectively turn extensions on and off, but has no effect on the order in which they are loaded or the order in which their items are placed in menus.
RE: Extension Menu Customization
Each extension's Ruby code tells SketchUp what items it wants to add to which menu. SketchUp adds items at the bottom of a menu in the order that the extensions are loaded during startup. So, at least in theory it would be possible to put all the extension files into a non-standard folder and have a single "master" extension in the standard folder that would load the others in whatever order you want (or not load them). I don't know if any such extension exists.
RE: Sketchup 8 Mac - cannot open preferences or ruby console
You didn't provide much of the information that would be needed to help you. For example:
- what Mac hardware (including any external monitors) and macOS version? SketchUp can become confused about where to place dialogs if you use monitors with different resolutions. Also, there is no guarantee the SketchUp 8 will run correctly on newer versions of macOS (though it might...).
- where did you obtain the copy of SketchUp 8? It has not been available directly from Trimble for some years, and who knows whether the one you obtained is intact...
- does any part of SketchUp 8 work correctly? Said the other way, are these dialogs the only issues you encounter?
RE: More memory on macbook pro 2019 mojave 10.14.4
An app requests more memory allocation from the OS when it needs it. Perhaps vray has a preference setting to set or change a limit what it uses? So far as I know, there is no macOS way either to limit or to increase the amount of memory used by an app.
RE: Moving doesn't snap to axes
@rogalxxx said:
turn HW acceleration off.
happened to me in both 2018 and 2019
Did you perhaps mean "turn Fast Feedback off" in the OpenGL? Hardware acceleration is required as of SketchUp 2017 and can't be turned off!