@joppermann said:
I absolutely love it as well. Fantastic illustration style! The composition is sooo good that you don't even notice until you look for it. This style is an absolute winner...I would love to see other work you do with the same style.
Thank you for sharing this...this is easily at the top of my list of favorite work I've seen here.
Whow Jopperman, James, Dylan, Imabzeous, Rickgraham
these are the best compliments I 've ever had.
And I can give you the beginning of this picture but the finishing touch,
I'll rather keep it for myself
And Chris,
thanx, pugz 1983 is the beste friend, we have explored a lot of su techniques, almost every day we are sitting next to each other. for creating a nice workflow. In a big project is it necessary to have the same style in modeling textures and photoshop.

 your edited tex will appear in to your SU model. How do we get there? first thing we go to windows in SU and open the preferences, choose the applications, and link photoshop.
second thing is to open the material window in SU. Click on a colour, holding crtl and click on the material you want to edit This tex will appear in de material window, go to edit in the Material window and click on the box with a orange arrow. and there it is in photoshop.")