render with Vue...+photoshop.
RE: "NEW render this" : lighter with sig.
RE: Render this: Neon cube
Thanx urgen. BTW I like your quote "pupil for ever" -
RE: Silo and container
@watkins said:
Very nice models, and the render looks good too. Are these models to be posted on the 3Dwarehouse site?
thanks fellas, these models aren't from 3d warehouse. At my work I see these things a lot. so I drawed about it.
greetz jeremy
"NEW render this" : lighter with sig.
Hallo people,
the "render this: neon cube" was a succes. I've made a model with a lighter and siggs maybe a nice model
Only there is 1 problem I don't know how to post a model or where can I store A model. Well however, here is a render, but 1 thing I do know is that all of you can create a better render with more creativity. So tell me how to post it and we have a new "RENDER THIS".We can play with textures, smoke, flames, etc.
And please, don't be shy. All I want is that you're all having fun.
greetz Jeremy (sketchnl)
Silo and container
hey people, this is a silo and a container. the render is made with vue.
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@flapsyd said:
The first thing that came into my mind is that it looked a bit like a space ship docking station. Hence the death star and the star trek voyager ...
My job isn't writing letters, i'm actually a career coach. (But I have/had to write some reports concerning a european project I'm participating). English isn't my mothertongue (that's Dutch) so my appoligies for the misunderstanding
Did I already mention that it's a fantastic model ?
Do you have more stuff like that? It's actually more motivating trying to render good models than the models I (attempted) to put together myself.
First, I want to thank you for you quote. And dutch is also my mothertongue. My english is really bad
. so it's not your writing but it is my reading. excuse me for it. I sent you a pm.
greetz jeremy
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@flapsyd said:
Ok, I'm far from a pro but this model just screams to get rendered .
This is my (amateuristish) attempt. Didn't have much time to set it up though (my boss keeps reminding me that i have a deadline for that paper I have to write
), but I'm quite happy with the result so far.
(Kerkythea, preset 20, 65 passes)
Oh, almost forgot: many thanks to the guys who made Kerkythea !
whow, very futuristic
, and you write letter for your job? and yes kerkythea is so easy and gives beautifull results.
greetz jeremy (sketchnl)
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@olishea said:
yeah you are correct!! I don't know why it turned out like that. I used the common realistic glass template, perhaps the refraction is too high for this type of glass
cant be bothered rendering again!!
cheers dspace! hardly a master, I dont know half the program yet!!
oli, doesnot matter you are doing great work even you don't know the whole program yet.
geetz jeremy
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@urgen said:
...Some discovery in hypershot...
[attachment=0:2ednpr0l]<!-- ia0 -->untitled4.432a.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2ednpr0l]urgen, looking great, how do you create this?
RE: Render this: Neon cube
Whow guys, This is very cool. I wanna thank all of you: Solo, Timmy 16744, D-space, Earthmover, Urgen, Massimo, Rico91, Tallbridgeguy, Stefanq and all the other people. I did not know this model, gives so many people this kind of creativity. I'm really impressed.
I hope we can do this more often.
Maybe got someone an idea for a "render this" or "model this"
Greetz Jeremy
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@d-space said:
@urgen said:
..night HDRI.....hypershot 20 min..... +photoshopLovely hypershot!
Some emitting materials? How about posting it?
It's not needed if it's some xray from the lib.Lovely reflections massimo!
uhu really nice reflections
RE: Bathroom
Whowzers, this is sketchucation, otherwise I'd not believe than this is a render.
It looks like a picture token with a camera. nice work. my compliments are certainly not enough. -
RE: Dutch bungalow (kerkythea update)
@frederik said:
Really nice renders...
Any client of mine would be happy with these...However, I assume you've posted here to get some crits as well as to learn and improve...
Something is disturbing my eyes...
The images appeare to be daylight shots, yet you have some outdoor light sources switched on, which seem ackward...??I assume the vegetation is done in post pro, since the light on bushes and trees doesn't match shadows in the render...
Finally I find the sky overexposed... Was this on purpose...??
Did you use a sperical sky in KT...??I'm very happy with your crits. And take it with me in the future.
I did not use kt, and the sky is a background in sketchup.
The sky is not on purpose. The bungalow was very dark so played a bit with the gamma.
Kerkythea is the program I use the most, but it's not very good with plants. so I put al the plants in my su model. That's why it is so flat.
Greetz Jeremy
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@earthmover said:
My first quicky with Vray. Low res output. Forgive the matrix looking wallpaper. I wish I had time to play more. This is a really cool model!!
Thanks, very cool, V-ray.
V-ray is to difficult for me, but you... I'm very impressed.
nice work. -
RE: Render this: Neon cube
@d-space said:
My first try...some close up....after a couple of hrs later.....
It's looking good. You use field of view?
Is it a 12 volt?
RE: Render this: Neon cube
This is a render made with Vue. A little bit to much light, but in vue I need to play more with it. (btw. pete, do you know how to make hdri? And how can I put hdri in Vue, cause its not really works.)
RE: Render this: Neon cube
Whow pete, you are really good. The surroundings looking good.
What renderprogram you use? for this kind of productrenders, and the glass, is looking great.
. -
RE: Dutch bungalow (kerkythea update)
@pugz1983 said:
Hi Jeremy,
Love the model and the render. As for the Avatar: I see it runs in the family
Greetz Twan
Hey Twan,
Wait, you must see the other monkey