Hi everybody..iv been using Sketchup for a few months now mainly to plan my house..i wasnt planning on using it for anything more than this, but after coming across this site aswell as others, iv been inspired to take my sketchuping to the next level. I really enjoy creating interiors aswell as gardens so im looking to expand my tool set to allow me to create more complex 3d drawings.
Can you guys recommend me some neat and free plugins that will help me achieve more out of sketchup? The only plugin im using at the moment is 1001Bit which is pretty sweet.
Also recently iv started using Indigo renderer within sketchup, i was blown away by what can be done with this, and started to experiment with it...now as much as love this renderer i find it extremely slow, with some renders taking days to look good..im not impatient by any means but i find the slow render process a pain when it comes to wanting a quick preview of my model...
...Can anybody recommend an alternative to this? or and advice at all?
Thanks guys