@chris fullmer said:
Are you trying to "compress" the files - make it smaller?
Hello Chris Fullmer,
Thanks for suggestion,
I'm make model in proportion unit ..........
@tig said:
Purge unused stuff [Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused].
Use Components for repeating objects wherever possible etc.
Don't use excessively large image textures. etc
Keep the number of polygons as small as possible etc - i.e. don't draw the 'backs' or 'inner-surfaces' of things that are never seen, don't draw every leaf on a tree, don't draw the doors' hinges and screws and their threads and pilot-holes etc etc unless they are really necessary...
Hello TIG,
I'm also purge ........ but not work for me
And when i import the obj format file that file size is big & my sketchup is slow down
What i do?
Thanks ...................... My English Is Bad you understand what i mean .......... ThankS