Hi all,
When I insert Google Earth imagery, is there no way to move that imagery to match linework imported from AutoCAD? I tried, but it just barks at me.
Hi all,
When I insert Google Earth imagery, is there no way to move that imagery to match linework imported from AutoCAD? I tried, but it just barks at me.
Hi all,
When I import a DWG file into SU, I get the following error:
Error opening AutoCAD import file: No filename
This does not appear to be a valid AutoCAD DWG or DXF file or the file is write protected.
Import failed.
Yet, when I do it again, it will import with no problems at all!
Filed under the STRANGE category!
Question: Could the Sketchucation folks set up a new locked message area that just has these incidents? That way the Google folks could see in one shot all that is actually going on and other folks could also see. I'm sure we have one or two Google folks who frequent this site. And if they didn't, perhaps an invite is in order.
Just a comment.
@tig said:
...Import the dwg, edit it and group the walls 'contours' separately - edit their group and draw over their main edges to form/face their shapes - you really don't need all of those contours !
So would you erase the in-between contours on the walls and just leave the topmost and bottom-most one? Then would you just group the topmost ones together? Trying to understand how to make this work as this is the main part of what we do.
I agree. What about making components that are crucial to model and embed your name in them? I know they can explode them but at least it will give them second or third chance of being honest.
Or maybe someone needs to write an encrypted model-like program so that no one can modify them 'without written permission'?
Just grasping at straws here.
@tig said:
Can't you import a dwg made from the data ?
Hi Tig,
I did. Here is my .dwg file.
(Hmmm - the .dwg file extension is not allowed)
Hi all.
I have existing contour data that was imported from Civil3D, exploded into dumb objects and then imported into SU.
I took two screenshots. The first one is what C3D shows the surface. Note that the walls look great. Next shot is the imported version and using the sandbox tools. It is u-u-ugly!
Any ideas on how I can get it to look better? If you want the .dwg file and/or the .skp file let me know.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Modeling and Rendering can also.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health and save you a bundle of money.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight and is just plain stupid.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Cigarette models and renderings contains lines, faces, color, and textures.
Looks like HP just got in on the fray with the Slate. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/04/hp-slate-details-leaked-550-keyboard-less-netbook/
With the Slate, I guess one could theoretically run SU since it is Windows based. I still like the iPad though personally.
So we know the way the building is facing now with that little statue addition! As others have said - interesting design. The pool needs to have 12 oxen below it
A man & his nagging wife were in Jerusalem, when the wife suddenly died. The undertaker told the man that it would cost $45000 to ship her home or $500 to bury her there. The husband said 'ship her home'. Shocked, the undertaker asked 'but sir, why don't you bury her here & save the money ?' The husband replied 'a long time ago, a man was buried here & 3 days later, he rose from the dead ... I cant take the chance!'
I'm in awe with your work, Oli. As others have said everything flows beautifully.
My only crit (and its NOT you, just wondering HOW) - How will they fit that pipe so it lines up perfectly with the holes in the beams. Those are going to be some costly custom beams to ensure that happens.
I'd have to send you a pic every 4 weeks because I change my looks that often! Right now, I'm sporting a full beard. But this weekend I might get bored with it and shave it down to a goatee. And my hair might end up bald again. Who knows - its a man's prerogative!
@frederik said:
Unfortunately not, Rick...
We're still in first open beta phase and want to iron things out before a 64-bit application is build...
Thanks Frederik. But now a (hopefully) simple question:
How does one zoom in and out of Thea? On my Mac, the middle mouse button does zoom, but it would take about 10 minutes of doing that to get to my zoom that I want. In other words, its too precise. Other Mac apps are fine, just Thea.
Ok, I'm reading the Thea manual and it says that for Mac the current application is 32-bit only. Any news on a 64-bit upgrade?
@mike lucey said:
Here is the link to DoubleCAD, http://www.doublecad.com/
and this video showing how it works with SketchUp, http://downloads.imsidesign.com/Flash/DoubleCADFlash/Import-From-Sketchup-800-600/Import-From-Sketchup-800-600.htm
Unfortunately, Mac users are out in the cold with this software as they only have PC.