TIG's volume calculator script:
RE: Volume calcs?
RE: Exporting 2d graphic
Further to Ross' point("The effect of down sizing on lineweights can also be a problem.").
A method to restore line definition that results from downsizing is to export the same scene view in hidden line mode (i.e. black and white), downsize the same as the color or texture view, then in pshop layer on top and set layer mode to multiply. This will result in darker lines (not thicker). You can also duplicate the line layer and play with layer transparency to suit your taste, even erasing areas to provide emphasis.
RE: Exporting 2d graphic
Further to Gaieus,
The terms DPI and PPI are often confused. PPI (used properly by photoshop) is merely the size of a pixel. For example, when I look at my 24" LCD panel (about 20 inches wide) at a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels I am looking at a pixel size of about 96 ppi. If the same screen (at the same resolution) was smaller I would be looking at a higher ppi number. The origins of the convention of 72 ppi for computer screens dates way back to the original macintosh with the 9" screen and a resolution of about 570 pixels wide (as I recall) which translated to 72 ppi. The original apple writers were b&w dot matrix printers with a dot pitch of 72 dpi (thus WYSIWYG or "what you see is what you get") For some reason Pshop still defaults to 72 ppi for pixel size, but this is obviously completely arbitrary now since sceen sizes vary as does screen resolution.
This also means that when you use the "view print size" in Pshop the results are not accurate (try it and measure your image on the screen to see). You can change the ppi settings in pshop by using the image size command and turning off resample image (see attached). This doesn't change the number of pixels in the image or effect quality in any way, it merely tells the printer how big to make the image. In the past some DTP programs were expecting 300 ppi images to determine the size on the page, but again this is all arbitrary.
Again, export your images as large as possible (in number of pixels) then use the print with preview in pshop to size the image on paper. My preferred method is to export from SU WITHOUT anti-aliasing at a higher resolution thant I will need, then reduce in pshop with bicubic resampling on. This permits bigger exports in SU (which often will hang above 3000 pixels with AA) and you get better and faster anti-aliasing with the Pshop image resizing. Resampling in down size will not affect the image quality - Pshop does a great job. Resampling up wil degrade quality -- you would need a program like PhotoZoom Pro2 to do this. Also in my experience TIF files are not necessary, export as jpg highest quality (no visible loss) or use png. format.
You can also experiment with the "auto" options in the image resize dialogue (with resampling turned off) - the good, better, best settings which yield 72, 200 and 266 ppi for commercial printing (but expressed in the dialogue as lines per inch).
DPI properly refers to the "dot pitch" of printing devices which must mix various colors (from 4 to 9) to get the proper hues of your pixels. The DPI of a printer must be higher than the ppi of the image to achieve this dithering and mixing to get the colors right.
All that said, lacking a large format printer I would not attempt to print a large image by the tiling method if I were concerned about quality, rather I would send the file to Kinkos or such for printing on a large format inkjet.
RE: Exporting 2d graphic
If you will state what size printout you want I will provide a step-by-step for Pshop.
Note that the desired ppi value in Pshop is not the same as the dpi setting for your printer. A printer dithers or mixes multiple colors (CMYK or more) to get the various hues. A rule of thumb for say inkjet printers -- the ppi value should be 1/3 to 1/4 the dpi capability of the printer.I regularly print out large (40 inch) images with a ppi setting of 100 to 133 and they look just fine.
RE: Exporting 2d graphic
There is no such thing as dpi in photoshop. There is ppi (pixels per inch), which is a completely arbitrary setting that determines the size of the pixel. When you export from SU set the pixel count (in options) to a high number. When you import in Pshop and go to print it will probably default to 72 ppi output and X number of inches (depending on the number of pixels wide) unless you have changed the default in Pshop preferences. Use the Pshop print with preview dialogue to set the size in inches that you want (note that the ppi value will change accordingly).
RE: How can I have more than one flat plan-view scene?
There is a ruby script called cameratilt that will allow you to set the scenes you desire. I do not remember the author (maybe Todd) and there is no info in the text file, so I don't know whether I can post it freely. I will try to find the source. Perhaps someone else will remember where to look.
Found it: http://www.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/en_cam_page.htm
credit is due to R. Wilson. -
RE: An idea for a areascript ?
There was an area script written some time ago, but I can't remember the name or the author (TBD maybe?). It updated when you made changes, but was far from perfect. I cannot find in on my system anymore. It was not fully developed but showed great promise. Maybe someone else can remember it.
RE: Some Kudos For Those From The @Last Software Forums
Reviving this post -- My top four (three's not enought): Alan Fraser, Grant Marshall, Dennis and Jean. Grant Marshall is especially missed now, and for those who never had the experience of viewing his work (the best watercolor technique ever)see the attached (reduced in size to fit this forum). I wonder what he is up to these days.
Also never to be forgotten is Jim Holman, the exemplar of the SU support team.
RE: Optical Illusion
To see it follow Pilou's advice: use the mouse scroll wheel (just a little bit), not the scroll bar.
RE: How to create buildings with imported floor plans?
Further to Jean's advice, make use of SU's "hide rest of model" feature when you are editing a group. Make a keyboard shortcut for it as well, then you can instantly turn it on or off when you are inferencing with background entities.
RE: Which 24" monitor?
Ditto to Dylan - I've had a 2405 for two years and it's just about perfect. Don't know about 2407 but I've had several Dell flatscreens (as well as Samsungs). Dell seems to be best value.
Fun website
Usually I'm annoyed by animated web sites, but this is great fun. Wish I could read it though.
RE: Artist Credit
Tina, check out this link:
http://www.gag.org/pegs/index.phpGraphic Artists Guild handbook -- all you ever want to know about your copyrights. Available also on Amazon - used editions for as little as $4 or so....
RE: View cut away
It's clipping -- see this help file from the SU Help forum:
http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=36261&topic=9042 -
RE: Free code checker?
Try this URL: http://www.codecomply.com
He is offering IBC codes, 2000, 2003, 2006 and California 2007. I checked out the Beta version -- it looks okay for basic stuff. Since a large part of what I do every day is code analysis for various projects, I have my doubts that any bit of automated analysis can substitute for reading and understanding the various building codes. Unless you understand the structure of the ICC codes, their interrelationships and the meanings (eg. the IBC Code Commentary runs over 1,000 pages), I don't understand how one could analyse a project or safely rely on others to do it for you.
Paul Miller
RE: Prostate Cancer Update..
The hormone will be either Lupron or Zoladex (Lupron shot is easier) -- you should also be taking Casodex (little pills) before you start the Lupron since this will prevent a testosterone flare (increase) that is associated with the start of hormone therapy. You will probably only take the Casodex for a month or so.Common side effect of Lupron is "hot flashes" -- no big deal and a lot better than the alternative. Again I urge you to PM me if you have any questions -- I've got a lot of experience on this subject from my treatments and the radiation regiment sounds exactly like what my brother had. Again he had no side effects from radiation, just annoyance of having to go for treatments every day....
RE: Winter Winter Go Away...
Just the right amount of snow yesterday and I got to refill the birdfeeders just in time...the cardinals seemed to like it as well.
RE: Building Code Question
I am assuming that this is a K-12 school if you are stating E occupancy (colleges would be B occupancy). You need to look at IBC chapters 3 and 4 regarding hazardous materials (which permits certain exempt quantities that do not trigger H occupancy). Regardless of quantities there are certain rules which must be followed - see IBC Section 414 as I recall. Also look at IFC (International Fire Code) where it is referenced by IBC. Also NFPA 45 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. It has specific sections on teaching labs and exemptions for labs containing less than 1 gal. of flammable or combustible liquids.
RE: POLL: Background color forums and topics
I'm with TIG -- it's a bit to contrasty and eye-fatiguing (if that's a word).