Craig wasn't kidding...checkout the March 2008 SketchUpDate
RE: 3D Base Camp memories
RE: Creating Shapes For Newbs
You can indeed use the section tool:
Move the section to where you want to cut, then right click and select make group from slice, then explode the slice group immediately (use the edit/group/explode command). Then erase any unwanted parts. -
RE: Viveza plug-in for Photoshop
Now available, and there is a 15 day trial demo version.
RE: Snap to?
There are length snap and angle snap options in Model Info/Units dialogue (along with precision settings). I always work with "enable length snap" turned off.
RE: Demands for a laptop
@jorgensen said:
So this is where the 'not' onboard gfx-card comes in ?
Yes, but all the Dell precision series offer proper nVidia Quadro graphics. I am not familiar with the nVidia M360 offered on the M2300 but it should be fine.
RE: Demands for a laptop
Absolutely SU uses OpenGL, always has. It's the Intel integrated graphics that does not properly support OpenGL (i.e. you will not be able to select faces with SU hardware acceleration turned on). And Dell offers a choice (wisely) of Windows XP Pro.
RE: What do you think?
Not as configured with the Intel graphics, choose one of the nVidia cards instead.
RE: Fill in the blank: The WORST software I ever used was
All MSpaint requires is just a bit of practice -
RE: Demands for a laptop
Check out Dell Precision M6300 (on thier small business site, under workstations). Available with Dual core 2.8 GHZ processor and nVidia Quadro graphics. SU doesn't use dual processors, but I don't think anyone makes a laptop with 3.6 Ghz single processors anymore.
RE: Projector Light?
You mean like so?
Just a transparent trapezoid to represent the projector rays (edges hidden). Suggest a white color for ray surfaces with low transparency settings rather than my blue. Then just paint a texture image of your choice on the screen.
RE: Cannot select faces T-T
Unfortunately Intel Integrated graphics simply do not work with hardware acceleration -- you need a proper graphics card.
RE: This could have been the future of sketchup?....
"Running on a system with multiple quad-coreCPUs"
RE: Freeware galore
Not free as noted on the site, but I highly recommend Directory Opus for file management. It's an incredible utility that was first written for the Amiga way back....
RE: Traveler IQ test.
Yikes that's a small map, but I made 362,000 and level 10 for 110 IQ. Must try this again.
RE: Starbucks now also in Holland
@solo said:
Burned coffee!
At the price of your first born!
I used to think so too, but now have come to drink only Starbucks (at home too). Perhaps they have some secret ingredient that conditions our taste buds.
RE: Newbie Q: How would you present your model/output 4 court?
Further to Paul Russam's suggestions:
What you are producing would be called (in US courts) a demonstrative not "facts". I used to do a lot of forensic work in many court cases and Paul Russam is quite correct -- less is more. Do not attempt "realism" that could trigger an objection that would be upheld (you don't get a second chance in the courtroom). Keep it simple and representational and make sure that you do not lose your audience (whether judge or jury) in the transitions. -
RE: 3D Base Camp memories
@frederik said:
@alan fraser said:
Anyway, hoping to meet up with some old friends in Boston in May.
OK... You lost me...
What's going to happen in Boston in May..??AIA Convention 2008 - May 15 to 17
RE: Line tool
Wo3Dan has the answer (IMHO) -- and make shortcut keys for "hide rest of model" and "hide similar components"