Ah yes, that was it! Had it set to architectural, not fractional.
RE: Changing Dimension Type
Changing Dimension Type
Hi all,
I'm using Sketchup 2015 Pro. Typically I always use inches, but on a recent drawing I changed it to Feet/inches for the builder at his request.Now a few months have passed and it's time to do the job. For the life of me I can't remember how I changed the settings.I have the template set to inches, so I must have somehow only changed the way the dimension tool works.How can I return it to inches only? -
RE: Need Help With Error Box's
OK, progress. I reloaded shape bender and emptied the virtual files (whatever that is) and everything works! Thanks Dave and everyone else, you made my day.
RE: Need Help With Error Box's
My bad on the spelling. I found it and loaded it so now that particular error box is gone. One down.two to go.Did the check all allow buttons as well.
RE: Need Help With Error Box's
Sorry about my profile. I'm using Windows 7 with SU 2013 pro.
I've gone through all my plugin files and unchecked read only. I get hung up on definitions sometimes, I have no idea what the hidden or read only options mean. Anyway, I unchecked them all, just went back for a look and they've all changed back to read only. I hit 3 ok's for each folder.What gives? Did it again with same result. What do I need to do to get permission? Should I check hidden as well?
I tried to find progressorbar.rb in the extension warehouse and couldn't find it.
I finally managed to get the plugin store to come up and still cannot find progressorbar.rb.
Anyway, I can use this version but sheesh, what a pain. I know it's my fault, but I really have no clue of what to do. -
RE: Need Help With Error Box's
I've done what you said about run as administrator. I already had the plugin store installed, but's never worked. I deleted it and tried to download it as you suggested, but all I get is a download that I can't open and have no idea how to install. I did manage to find it somewhere and copied it to the plugin file, but I got nothing.All my plugins I installed fresh, some work, some don't. Never had the problem in the previous version.
Need Help With Error Box's
I updated to SU 2013 soon after it came out but have rarely used it due to it's simplified way to load plugins which I still am clueless about. Most everything I load either from the extension warehouse or sketchucation site loads and works with just a couple exceptions. Every time I open the new version I have to close out several error boxes just to get to work, and it irritates me to the point that I avoid it and have continued working in the old version. Here's the messages :
Message from AdditionalPlugin Folders
1 Error(S): The following plugins had errors and may not be fully loaded:
FOLDER: C:/Program Files (X86)/SketchUp/Sketchup 2013/Plugins
ERROR: no such file to load--progressbar.rb [in
clf_shape_bender_loader.rb-#requiresO:line 22]Then I hit OK then this pops up
TT_Lib2 detected that some of the files in Sketchup's plugin folder has ended up in Window's Virtual
Store. It happens because of insufficint(their spelling not mine) permissions for the plugin folder. Please move the files into
the real Plugins folder.I don't know the permissions they peak of so I hit OK and then this;
Folder opens with the pathway that ends up Program Files(x86)arrow Sketchup arrow Sketchup 2013 arrow
PluginsIt shows 4 folders
4.su_dynamiccomponentsclose that out and lastly I have this box
Error Loading File clf_shape_bender_loader.rb
no such file to load--progressbar.rbIf anyone could walk me through this to where I don't have all these error box's popping up it would be much appreciated .
RE: Plug In for Screws
Thanks for those links Tig, looks promising,if not a bit more involved than I was hoping for.
Plug In for Screws
I'm looking for a plug in that will do screw threads, a virtual tap and die so to speak. I'm sure there must be one, although I couldn't find it.
RE: Wacked out Perspective
It worked
I knew it had to be something simple, thanks so much! -
Wacked out Perspective
I was attempting to import a photo of some wood to use on a model I had just finished . Somehow it went into matched photo which I'm not familiar with and the perspective view went into what I can only describe a funhouse mirror mode where everything is weird. I got rid of the matched photo but my camera angles are still messed up. What can I do to reset it back to normal?
Running Profile Around Door
Panel Door.skpMaking a profile on the outside of a typical raised panel door is no problem when I make them as one component, which is fine for presentation, but when I make the door five seperate components for shop drawings I'm stumped. I tried to make the door a single component and the reverse profile a seperate component, then tried to use the subtract tool , but it tells me the door isn't solid, though solid inpector says it is. How can I get this done?
RE: Anti-SketchUp! Snobbery [or Ignorance?]
As a cabinetmaker I've gotten nothing but compliments on my SU models, but I still feel the reluctence of my builders and designers to try it. I really think the trauma of learning a CAD program is still with them and it's like "whew, I finally got through this one, I don't need to go through that again!" If only they knew! Also, I know one designer who turned her nose up at it when she viewed some of the models in the warehouse. I really wish they'd split it into two, with one side meeting minimum criteria.
Help with raster,vector,hybrid settings
I just reloaded sketchup pro 8 on a new computer and for the life of me cannot remember how to find the dialog box to change rendering from vector to raster or hybrid.
RE: Help With Export
Yes, it does it as well in the native file-pdf method as well. When I export it as image it appears ok. I don't know if they can print the poster from such a file or not. Will ask them tomorrow.
RE: Help With Export
It's not the grid setting. That's the first thing I checked. The grid is in 24 equal squares though on the pdf. I'm still baffled. -
Cross Hatch Lines when Exporting PDF
When I exported this poster to PDF I get these cosshatching lines showing up. They're not in the original LO, but show when I export. What can be done to get rid of them ? I tryed to upload the pdf, but the file size is too large.