I'm new here so I don't even know if I'm posting in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm having trouble with two things;
1- Finding good spherical skies (for free)
2- When I try to render with what skies I found, I don't have all the fine high lights rendered in the main rendering window, but I do in the "Exploration Render" window. Can anyone take a good guess at why that problem occurs ? This is with a "Spherical sky" and a jpeg image as background image. I did try different levels of rendering (from low+ up to high+) in the render presets, and still no "fine high lights details", but the Exploration Render window gives a very low definition rendering anyway, so that shouldn't be the problem logically. I also tried with physical sky, and it's the same problem.
If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it very much, and again, sorry if this isn't the correct place to address this specific topic, but my head is dizzy with all the tutorials, researching and mistrials.
PS: I did try the Twilight Render forum, and have gotten no answer, so here I am.
PPS: I dragged and dropped images to illustrate the problem, I hope that worked.
[/img]/Users/marie-evemartel/Documents/ARTS VISUELS/OEUVRES/ExpÊriences SKETCHUP/TWILIGHT RENDER/Problèmes/hautes lumières invisibles/High res.jpeg[/img]