Identical Objects/Excessive Polygons
Hi there,
I'm new to skecthup and I'm trying to import and simplify a VRML file generated by G4Beamline (It's a particle accelerator physics tool.) I have converted the file to a 3ds and when I import into sketchup, I noticed that the file is quite large because many of the same objects (magnets) are repeated as separate instances.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to identify all of the objects that are identical and make them the same instance.
Also, is there a script which can crop redundant polygons?
Hi Rockley (and welcome)!
Do these "instances" come through as groups? If groups, are they instances of the same group definition? (I.e. if you select one and open the entity info window, does it say "Group, 19 (or any number) in model" for instance?)
Additional thought:
Use the widow outliner. If you select group 19 per Gaieus' example above it will high lite in your model, if it is the item you want the outliner gives you the capability to select all of them. There are plugins which will change those to individual components. Once that is done the component browser has the capability to replace a number of selected components with the one you have selected in the browser. So selected all the components with the outliner and replace them with the one you want in the browser and will accomplish what I think you want. Purge your component browser of unused ones then. You will still have a number of instances but based on one definition
Note; I think it helps to roll up the outliner for some of the large ops so the program is not printing all the info to screen. In addition the orientation of a replacement is in relation too the two component axis. You may want to read up on that -
Yes, that's what also had in mind so to suggest the best workflow, we'd need some more info.
The objects aren't in groups unfortunately.
I've decided to write a matlab script to identify the objects automatically in the VRML. I'll still need to simplify it though, as unfortunately this file is formatted to include every point (no curves/cylinders, just lots of fine grained vertexes).
Thanks anyway!