Ok ! its solved With Your hint to "put 2 collinear vertices on each side " .
Thank You Fredo . Your plugins is excellent .
RE: [Plugin][$] Curvizard - v2.5a - 01 Apr 24
RE: [Plugin][$] Curvizard - v2.5a - 01 Apr 24
Thanks for your video fredo . but your video is not my issue .
please select all edges and run "smooth contours " . Certainly i can select only A Points Too but My issue is "smooth by section" in "smooth contours "tool Does not work . -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curvizard - v2.5a - 01 Apr 24
Hi Again fredo and thanks for your Answer.
I uplode sample file . please look at it . in this file I showed points with A and B .
I would like to action fo "smooth contours " work On A point and Donot Work On B Points .thanks from you in advance
RE: [Plugin][$] Curvizard - v2.5a - 01 Apr 24
Hi Fredo
Thanks for your principal And Amazing Plugins .
I have problem with smooth contours option in Curvizard . its not excluded sharp corner from smoothing .it means "smooth by section " and "Smooth Collinear Edges " not working for me. please see video on link if I could not Explain it . thanks .
https://www.mediafire.com/file/a8v93r6yrc43gx0/Curvizard.mp4 -
RE: Whats extention is a best for copy along path ?
I found this option of profile builder . thanks JQL .
RE: Whats extention is a best for copy along path ?
@jql said:
The best one is Profile Builder 2, though it's not free.
Hi JQL thanks for your reply .
Profile Builder 2 have tool for copy along path ?! can you give me Introduction movie or Tutrial Link? I think Profile Builder have demo version.
RE: Whats extention is a best for copy along path ?
@pilou said:
Look at Path Copy & Path Copy Pro by Rick Wilson
http://www.smustard.com/scripts/You can also use CuviLoft by Fredo6 for have a segment perpendicular to a path!
[attachment=1:3anw72bh]<!-- ia1 -->GIF_curvi11.gif<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3anw72bh]
Components Stringer by Chris Fullmer can also make something!
[attachment=0:3anw72bh]<!-- ia0 -->GIF_comp.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3anw72bh]
In general all these works with the "nodes" & "extremities" of segments of the path
so drawing it in thinking of that!
Beziers by Fredo6 can help for this!Hi pilou . component_stringer Is dead and not worked in Su 15 and 16 .
Curviloft can not copy along path .
Whats extention is a best for copy along path ?
I have problem to choice a one tool for copy alond path in SU .I DO THIS WORK IN CINEMA4D very easy with cloner and result was good .which tool or extention in su can do this work ?
RE: Problem with Shake graphics
@box said:
The component axis for your column component is way of in the distance.
Right click on one of them and Change Axes and the flickering will go away.
The normal Z-Fighting will remain where faces try to occupy the same space.Hi Box . THanks , Its solved !
Thanks for your reply. Place of Axes is important and I forget its .thanks again and again .
RE: Problem with Shake graphics
@hornoxx said:
hi - I have no idea why your columns were flickering
I donΒ΄t find anything wrong
Anyway, I've made a new column component, uniform to yours, and replaced your columns by the new one.
Now it works without flickering...Hi HornOxx
thanks for your reply . I can draw a new component like you ,but I want solve this problem . drawing a new component Not the solution its just the escape route . thanks again from you .Hi pilou
thanks for your reply .
It's not normal! if you watch a movei You can sure understand !
I think its a Bug in SU .
Problem with Shake graphics
I have problem with Shake graphics in Column . Columns are component . if I explode all Columns,The problem will be solved ! But I need These in component figure .
I upload movie that show Shake graphics in Column also I Upload the file .
RE: [Plugin] TextureRandomizer
your extention is graet . My problem well solved with this .
A request to develop this extension:
randomiz with select texture and group or component .thanks
Random texturing
I have problem with random texturing in SU . in this case, How can random texturing ?
Texture can be one after another to change positions but But this is too long !Which extension offered to me ?
RE: [Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
@fredo6 said:
@littleche said:
I Have problem with this model . round corner can't rounding this model and recive overlab error.
How can I fix this problem?
thanksUnfortunately, with the current algorithm, this is not possible.
At the sharp corner, you have edges which are smaller than the offset.Sorry for inconvenience
Thank you fredo . You are always trying to develop this plugin.And I thank you very much.If you are not a thing of SketchUp shortage!
I hope you can fix algorithm in the next version .Always sincerely pray for your success... -
RE: [Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
I Have problem with this model . round corner can't rounding this model and recive overlab error.
How can I fix this problem?thanks
RE: A problem with floor geneator SDM
@sdmitch said:
@littleche said:
How did you do?
There is a "bug" in the current version that is prone to have this error when 45 rotation is used. It doesn't always fail.
I'm hoping to corrected and updated version soon.
thanks sdmitch .
You and other SU plug-in developers Are very, very dear For me and other Members sketch up .
I wish you all good luck ...thanks again ...