I don't think anyone is going to go through that effort to make a tutorial for you. But you should turn on swarm option in your render settings, install V-Ray Swarm on your other computer(s), run it, make sure all computers are connected to same network, hit render. That's the basics, but there could be many different issues, try and see. Write if you run into a specific problem.

Latest posts made by kimi kimi
RE: VRay Swarm Problems
RE: SkecthUp 2020.1 - anyone using it already?
SketchUp works fine for me, but LayOut does not. I can't save a file if it has hybrid style drawing in it, and I can't generate a PDF. I have to turn everything into raster, then I can save and export PDF files. It worked fine in previous versions. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem?
RE: Possible bug? Hybrid render fails to export to PDF
Same thing here. I installed 2020.1 version few days ago, and hybrid won't export PDF, nor save the file. So I have to turn every drawing to raster, then I can export and save LayOut file. Pretty sure it's a bug, it worked fine before.
When I try to save, it says error 10, whatever that means.
I'm not into doing these workarounds, I have too many files to do this.
Layout 2019.2 Bug Splat on Toolbar Customization
I'm trying to set up my toolbars like I did in LO 2018, but when I try to reopen LayOut, I get immediate bug splat. Is anyone else experiencing this? I need to delete some .plo and xml documents in AppData/...LayOut in order to come back to default and use the program again. But default setup slows me down, I need to be able to customize.Also, is there some quick way to migrate my workspace from 2018 to 2019, so I don't have to position every icon manually?
RE: VRay Swarm Problems
Yeah, it works good for some time, then some phantom problems appear without evident reason. I don't know, try writing to Chaos Group forum, I'm not rendering very often, so I can't tell if I'm messing up the settings, or Swarm just isn't that good. But I feel I shouldn't be a professional IT technician to set up something like that. I think the Swarm is the same for 3ds Max also, so maybe look for some answers from those users.
RE: Layout - Batt Insulation Pattern
I said SketchUp DEVELOPMENT TEAM is pure garbage. So, I insulted a few people who don't know what they're doing, are not interested in improving their product, or care only about the money and not about the users or product itself. I don't know how the company is organized, who runs the show, where is the problem, but either someone is not paid enough to do their job properly, or there is not enough people, or, what I suspect is most likely, there is some fat executive that sees sales numbers still going and thinks no need to spend money there. SketchUp itself is not awful, but not because of SKETCHUP DEVELOPMENT TEAM, but because of outsiders who create plugins and give that stuff away for free, I'm very very thankful to them and to the community outside Trimble. I'm also grateful to companies and individuals who sell their plugins, I bought dozens of great ones. That mentality, never complain, that doesn't work with me. If there is a problem, I need to say it. And people have been saying it, I'm on this forum long enough, but it's to deaf ears obviously.
RE: Layout - Batt Insulation Pattern
I can make a bunch of things myself, but that doesn't mean I should. And I really don't understand this forum, everyone is so defensive of SketchUp and Trimble, when the development team is pure garbage. I repeat, they are PURE GARBAGE! Ban me if you want, but that's the truth. Chaos Group makes so much progress every year with V-Ray, Lumion makes huge steps with every release, many volunteers create nice plugins, and Trimble can't even make a freaking batting pattern, that's like architecture graphics essentials. If these guys here didn't roll out plugins, there would be no SketchUp. Nothing against you Dave, but I do have a lot against the general sentiment that this is all OK.
RE: Girls Best Friend - New Images
Looks too artificial too me, but I can't tell exactly what's the reason. Maybe try to move that black away from absolute black, I think that's messing up the light. Also, some depth of field effect might be nice, since it's a small object. If you're really into experimenting, try some bump and dirt maps for the bottle and ground.
RE: POLL: Meters or Millimeters in your country?
As long as I'm not using feet and inches everything is fine.
RE: V-Ray rendering not showing transparencies
Go to refraction layer of the glass and change color from black to white. Or just replace all the glass with standard V-Ray glass.