@solo said:
Damien, thank you for taking the time out to explain some of the technicalities of Vray and welcome to SCF.
It's always a good thing when developers are able to consult and advise on open forum, I know you are very active at ASGvis and glad you have also 'broken the seal' here too.
My next question is regarding displacement (I'm sure that this is a well covered subject on the vray site, but for those who are new or in a deciding capacity as far as render engines goes I will ask my questions here)
I have been trying to master displacement on simple objects before using it on any real projects, I have noticed that it totally kills render times which is expected and in line with most other render apps. I have found a few strange behaviors however, below is a simple SU model with a grass displacement on it, it rendered perfectly the first time but when iI decided to add the white band the render was flat without any displacement, I then made the band a group and rendered and it worked again giving me the result below. My question is... does the grouping of two material adjacent to another where one is displaced and the other not have any significance?


There is anyway that you put for all the settings for this excellent way to make grass in your worm. Kind to step by step to make displacement. I look in the web and asgvis and is not very clear how I can get this awesome results, Please need help ASAP with this I have a presentation in my college.